Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My Final Piece
Since I had never used iWeb, I had to spend quite a lot of time experimenting with the program trying to figure everything out. I managed to teach myself new things and Mr Powell taught us techniques we could use as well.
In my website I have several sections.
Home Page: Poster of Broken Arrow, release date and link to ‘Broken Arrow’ (What the movie is about)
Broken Arrow: A picture from the movie and a short paragraph about what the movie is about
Cast and Crew: Pictures of the two main characters and a link to their websites
List of characters and who plays them
A list of the Crew (multicoloured – important red/blue – unimportant)
Air Force Gallery: A group of pictures from the movie
Trailer: The Broken Arrow Trailer
Extras: My poster that I created and my blog address
Many of my ideas for my website came from looking at other websites, mainly movie websites. I liked a lot of there ideas, set-up (layer out of the website), colours and what they had on the website itself.
I decided that the main colours I would use on my website would be black, red, white and blue. Broken Arrow is a movie that takes place in an air force base and their mission is to protect America hence the reason I decided to use the American flag colours (blue, red and white). The reason I chose to have black as a background was because I believe it best suited the movie as well as the photos I used on my website. As mentioned before, this movie is set in the air force so for the font I decided to use PortagoITC TT. This was a really good font because it looked like something you would see in the air force.
A major problem that I faced in this unit of work was the fact that I had a limited time limit and I had never used iWeb before. This meant I needed to work harder then I had in other projects and use some of my own time to finish this project. I’m glad that I did this because it helped me become better at using iWeb and I was able to get my project done on time.
Overall I am very happy with both my website and my poster. I have spent quite a lot of time working on both of these projects and I hope that all my hard work pays off.
Part A
Twilight Official Website
Twilight is about a girl called Bella who falls in love with a vampire. A forbidden relationship forms, which attracts million of viewers worldwide. The Twilight website is set-up quite well. Since the movie is about vampires, the background image has dull, dark and the background image also has trees.
Gallery: The gallery has the same background as the home page and it has a bunch of photos available to view and download.
Wild Hogs is a hilarious comedy film about four guys going on a road trip.
The Dark Knight is one of the most popular movies of all time. It is an action thriller and has lots of things blowing up.

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Term 4 - Lesson 1

I am so excited about this term! Instead of doing the mash up we were meant to (the teachers thought it would be to much work), we are now creating a website for a movie and a poster. I'm really excited about this since I've never done anything like this before.
At the beginning of the lesson, Mr Powell showed us three websites for three different films. Those films were American Pie, Twilight - New Moon and Ice Age 3. America Pie had the America flag colours (red, white and blue) and most of the website was white. Twilight had dark colours since it was about vampires and werewolves. Ice Age 3 had one main image and the sides were black. Out of all of the websites, I really liked the Ice Age one. I liked it because it was full of life and I really liked the way the website was set out.
For the rest of the lesson, I looked and anaylised three different websites. We then had to answer the following questions about each website.
1. The elements of design, (colour/colour scheme, tone, shape, space, movement, sound etc);
2. The principles of design (composition, balance, emphasis, proportion, repetition, abstraction etc);
3. The overall feel developed for each film’s promotional materials (is it clean, crisp and bright or dark, moody and grungy)?;
4. Whether there are a variety of promotional posters for the film?
5. How the website is laid out. (Look at the menu system and how information or promotional materials are accessed);
6. The website’s effectiveness in appealing to an intended target audience and identify who the target audience is;
7. What you like/dislike about the promotional material.
(I will post my observations in another post)
Friday, September 4, 2009
I am so happy with the way my movie turned out! I had put lots of time into this project trying to get it done and I was so proud of myself when I had finished it.However, my movie is not perfect. The one thing I would like to change would be to have the camera in the one spot so the pictures do not jump around. If I could start this again, the only thing I would do differently would be to plan my movie out a bit more. Instead of thinking of ways to solve the problem (taking pictures of the Eiffel Tower), I just went with the flow and did not really do anything about it. For that I am vey disappointed in myself. Overall, I believe that my movie was a huge success for me!
Below is my movie!!!
Title: Eiffel Tower
Music: You spin me right round (like a record) by Dead or Alive
Go! Go Naruto! by Toshiro Masuda
Programs used: Sony Vegas and I-stop Motion
Items: Lego
Character Profiles!
Mayor: The Mayor is a kind man but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. He does crazy things without thinking things out and his methods of running the city are often questioned. He has a good heart and does everything he thinks is right for his city. Overall, the mayor is a sweet guy but he's also a bit crazy.
Tom: Tom is a very smart man who is Head of the Local Police Force. He is married and has two kids called Larney (a girl aged 9) and Rama (a boy aged 10). Tom is a calm person who does not get angry easily. Overall, Tom is a cool, calm, smart man and is not easily angered.
Jim: Jim is a very active and loud person. He likes to play sports and he has won the Iron Man tournment. He is a fit person and he is a police officer at the local station. He is married, has 4 children and he is a grandfather of 2. He is a very busy person but he always makes time for his family. Overall, Jim is your typical family man (puts his family's well being above his own).
Sebastian: Sebastian is a shy, smart and a quiet person. He was the dux of his school and he also works for the local police force. He tends to be quiet around people he does not know but once he starts to open up, he is a very lively man who enjoys a good laugh. Overall, Sebastian is a shy person unless you know him really well.
Creative Media Lesson 15 & Lesson 16

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Creative Media Reflections

Title: Eiffel Tower
Music: You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) by Dead or Alive
Title: Before Class
Music: None

Lesson 13: Since I have completely finished my video, in today’s lesson I decided to update my blog. I wrote some reflections and with the left over time that I had, I quickly made something in photoshop. The class only has two lessons left before our videos are due and I am very happy with myself since I have finished all my work. All I now need to do for each lesson is to write a reflection and that’s it, so I’m not stressed at all.
Lesson 14: Where oh where is Mr Powell? Oh wait there he is! In today’s lesson all I did was

Monday, August 17, 2009
Creative Media Term 3 - Lesson 9
Title: God's Ipod
Music: None
Materials Used: Ipod Touch
Monday, August 10, 2009
Creative Media Term 3 - Lesson 8
Video Information
Title: Ipod Touch
Program: Istop Motion
Music: None
Creative Media Term 3 - Lesson 6 & Lesson 7
Problems and how I solved them:
The only problem I had was the first few shots I had, I had different backgrounds. The way I solved this was by having a solid backdrop. I got a large blue sheet and used that as the backdrop. So far that has worked really well.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Creative Media Term 3 - Lesson 5

In today's lesson I really didn't do much...Mr Powell showed me how to take pictures in Istop motion and then export them to Photoshop. I'm not sure but I think I might use Photoshop to edit some of my pictures for my project. So...since I had nothing else to do for the rest of the lesson, I quickly made something in Photoshop (picture on the side).
I thought it was okay, not my best work but it's okay.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Storyboard - Transformers
Creative Media Term 3 - Lesson 4
In today's lesson, I made a storyboard and a character profile for my PRACTICE VIDEO. I also worked on my character profiles for my ACTUAL VIDEO. I really wanted to watch some videos made by PES but since we can't access Youtube, I wasn't able too. Next lesson our character profiles as well as our storyboard (ACTUAL VIDEO) are due.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Creative Media Term 3 - Lesson 3
Character Profiles Needed:
-Hippie-like person
-Person One
-Person Two
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Storyboard - Main Project
Scene Two: The Mayor talks - explains that they need more tourist. He then comes up with an
idea. He decides to build a new exciting building.
Scene Three: (Shows the building being made)
Scene Four: The Mayor is really happy with his work and the hippie-like person comes in (right
Scene Five: The hippie-like person says 'Dude! It's the Eiffel Tower!'
The Mayor says 'The what tower?'
The hippie-like person says 'The Eiffel Tower! You Paris?'
(few seconds silence)
The Mayor says 'Doh!'
Scene Six: (The camera moves to two people)
Person one says 'And his running the country!'
Person two says 'We are so screwed...'
Creative Media Term 3 - Lesson 2
Friday, July 17, 2009
Creative Media Term 3 - Lesson 1
The most important thing for my set is that it has to have continuity (meaning the background had to be the same). Another important thing is the lighting. It is very important that the light remains about the same but the most important thing is SAVING! Mr Powell said he wanted us to have saved our project in at least three different places (USB, Home computer and School Desktop).
Into today's lesson, I mainly worked on my storyboard. I decided that I was going to do a practice video before my main project. My practice video is going to have Bumble Bee (from the movie Transformers) transform from his car version, to his robot version.
What Do I Need For My Practice Video?
-Transformer Toy
-Black/Blue Backdrop
-Camera/istop motion
Friday, June 5, 2009
Sony Vegas Video
Since I am using Sony Vegas in my animation, Mr Powell suggested that I upload a video that I made on Sony Vegas.
Video Information
Title: Sony Vegas Video
Music: Sugar by Flo Rida
Anime Used: Shugo Chara and Vampire Knight
My Animations
Reflection + Evaluation
I am very happy with the final result of my project. I had put a lot of time into this project trying to get it done and I was so proud of myself when I had finished it. However, my project is not perfect. The one thing I would like to change would be to take the subs away and put audio there instead. I think that Pixur wouldn’t buy my character or my animation. This is I believe that there are other projects that are way better then mine. Don’t get me wrong, mine’s good just not that good. If I could start this again the only thing I would do differently would be the way I managed my time. Overall, I believe that this project was a huge success for me!
Creative Media Assignment - PART A (5/5)
Scene One: Kai runs in and says how boring he thinks this world is. Kai then comes up with an idea. His idea is that he will go find another world to live in. Scene ends when Kai runs off.
Scene Two:Scene starts when Kai runs into a new world. The world is covered in ice and it doesn't look pleasant. Scene ends when Kai runs away.
Scene Three: Scene starts when Kai arrives in a new world. The world scares him so he leaves.
Scene Four: Kai runs in and says how the world be lives in many be boring but it's way better then those other worlds.
Creative Media Assignment - PART A (4/5)
Story Ideas
- A creature called Kai is bored of his world and decides to find another world to live in.
- Sam is a young lion who gets lose in the woods.
- It's New Year's Eve and the biggest party ever just happens to be taking place tonight!
Character Idea's
- Must be cute
- Has to have big eyes
- Wear a cool hat
- Wear sunglasses
- Wear clothes of some kind
- Be just only one colour (have the whole body one colour)
- Be more than one colour
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Creative Media Assignment - PART A (3/5)
Kai is a troublesome, rebellious little creature. However, the most important thing about Kai is that he has a split personality. Since Kai is an Emgo (an old clan who can run very fast) he tends to be a bit stuck up and thinks that he is better than everyone else. Kai loves to cause trouble but the worst thing is that Kai can get bored very easily hence the reason why he always causes so much trouble. Kai hates snow and ice since he can't run probably on it. Kai many act tough (his mouth will open) but in reality he's not really that strong and easily frightened.
The way I am going to show Kai's personality is by his facial expression. As seen in some of my videos, it shows Kai with different size eyes. When Kai has small eyes he acts tough and stuck up but when he has large eyes, he is either scared or has an idea.
Overall, Kai is not that bad a creature. When the white side appears (large eyes) he is actually a pretty sweet thing but when the black side appears (small eyes) prepare for all of hell to break loose.
Creative Media Assignment - PART A (2/5)
The character I have decided to do is in the video above! His name is Kai ^^
I came to this decision since Kai is a cute character and when I was working in Animation-ish, I discovered that he was very easy to move around as well as to do things too. The only downside to Kai is that he doesn't have any arms. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to give him arms or just leave him like he is. A part from that, I think Kai is the best type of 'thing' for my storyboard since the 'thing' in my story is going to be doing lots of running. Kai's legs are easy for me to move unlike the other creations in Animation-ish.
At the beginning of this assignment, I really wanted to draw my own characters but I then realised that, that would take a very long time. So...I decided it would be easier for me to just use a creation already made in Animation-ish.
Creative Media Assignment - PART A (1/5)
Taken From: Photobucket, (2.06.09)
Taken From: Photobucket, (2.06.09)
Taken From: Photobucket, (2.06.09)

About My Creative Media Task
As they are still in the writing development stage, your brief is quite large and unrestricted. They are looking for ideas of all types. They want characters that will appeal to the target audience. They also want characters with personality.
Your brief is to produce a 60 second animated trailer of your idea for the TV series. If time permits you may choose to also provide a longer version of your idea that may run for up to 3 minutes. The characters themselves do not have to be complicated drawings, simple line art can be very appealing, if the character is strong and the storyline is interesting.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Trial with Subs - Lesson 9
Video Information
Title: Trial with Subs
Music: None
Status: Complete
Monday, May 25, 2009
My Project - Lesson 8
Video Information
Title: My project after 8 lessons
Music: None
Status: Not complete
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My Project - Lesson Seven
Video Information
Title: My Project - Lesson 7
Music: None
Status: Not Complete
My Project - Lesson 6
Video Information
Title: My Project - Lesson 6
Music: None
Status: Not Complete
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My Project - Part 5 (Lesson 5)
Video Information:
Title: My Project - Lesson 5
Music: None
Status: Not complete
My Project Part 4 (Lesson 4)
Video Information:
Title: My Project - Lesson 4
Music: None
Status: Not Complete
Thursday, May 14, 2009
My Project - Lesson Three
Name: My Project After Lesson 3
Music: None
Status: Not complete
Monday, May 11, 2009
My Project - Lesson Two
Name: My Project After Lesson Two
Music: None
Length: approx 13 seconds
Status: Not complete
Thursday, May 7, 2009
My Project - One Lesson
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Title: MySpace
Music: None
Status: Complete
Monday, April 27, 2009
'We All Share The Same Pain'
Video Information
Title: We All Share The Same Pain
Music: none
Status: Complete
Length: 7 seconds
Friday, April 24, 2009
Reflection for the 23.04.09 Lesson
An Eye (Not Completed)
Video Information
Title: An Eye
Music: none
Status: Not complete
Length: Under a second
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Practice One - My First Video (Complete)
Video Information
Title: Moving Angel
Music: none
Status: Complete
Length: 2 seconds