Thursday, June 4, 2009

Creative Media Assignment - PART A (3/5)

Personality Profile

Kai is a troublesome, rebellious little creature. However, the most important thing about Kai is that he has a split personality. Since Kai is an Emgo (an old clan who can run very fast) he tends to be a bit stuck up and thinks that he is better than everyone else. Kai loves to cause trouble but the worst thing is that Kai can get bored very easily hence the reason why he always causes so much trouble. Kai hates snow and ice since he can't run probably on it. Kai many act tough (his mouth will open) but in reality he's not really that strong and easily frightened.

The way I am going to show Kai's personality is by his facial expression. As seen in some of my videos, it shows Kai with different size eyes. When Kai has small eyes he acts tough and stuck up but when he has large eyes, he is either scared or has an idea.

Overall, Kai is not that bad a creature. When the white side appears (large eyes) he is actually a pretty sweet thing but when the black side appears (small eyes) prepare for all of hell to break loose.

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