Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Final Piece

During this term I have been working on a website for Broken Arrow and a poster for the movie as well. Mr Powell showed us how to use iWeb and showed us demonstrations on how to use/create things on iWeb. I spent quite a bit of time working on both my website as well as the poster and learnt many new skills during this unit of work.

Since I had never used iWeb, I had to spend quite a lot of time experimenting with the program trying to figure everything out. I managed to teach myself new things and Mr Powell taught us techniques we could use as well.
In my website I have several sections.
Home Page: Poster of Broken Arrow, release date and link to ‘Broken Arrow’ (What the movie is about)

Broken Arrow: A picture from the movie and a short paragraph about what the movie is about

Cast and Crew: Pictures of the two main characters and a link to their websites
List of characters and who plays them
A list of the Crew (multicoloured – important red/blue – unimportant)

Air Force Gallery: A group of pictures from the movie

Trailer: The Broken Arrow Trailer

Extras: My poster that I created and my blog address

Many of my ideas for my website came from looking at other websites, mainly movie websites. I liked a lot of there ideas, set-up (layer out of the website), colours and what they had on the website itself.

I decided that the main colours I would use on my website would be black, red, white and blue. Broken Arrow is a movie that takes place in an air force base and their mission is to protect America hence the reason I decided to use the American flag colours (blue, red and white). The reason I chose to have black as a background was because I believe it best suited the movie as well as the photos I used on my website. As mentioned before, this movie is set in the air force so for the font I decided to use PortagoITC TT. This was a really good font because it looked like something you would see in the air force.

A major problem that I faced in this unit of work was the fact that I had a limited time limit and I had never used iWeb before. This meant I needed to work harder then I had in other projects and use some of my own time to finish this project. I’m glad that I did this because it helped me become better at using iWeb and I was able to get my project done on time.

Overall I am very happy with both my website and my poster. I have spent quite a lot of time working on both of these projects and I hope that all my hard work pays off.

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