Friday, September 4, 2009


The Eiffel Tower…that is the title of my awesome movie! Since I only used i-stop motion, I did not really use any tools. By doing this project, I how gotten a better understanding of how to use i-stop motion as well as the apple laptops. However, before I could finish my movie, I had a huge problem! My main problem was i-stop motion. When I was creating the Eiffel Tower, I had to keep adjust the camera to be able to get a good shot. After I finally bulit the Eiffel Tower, it occurred to me that I could have asked Mr Powell if he had any ideas on how to solve this problem…oh well.

I am so happy with the way my movie turned out! I had put lots of time into this project trying to get it done and I was so proud of myself when I had finished it.However, my movie is not perfect. The one thing I would like to change would be to have the camera in the one spot so the pictures do not jump around. If I could start this again, the only thing I would do differently would be to plan my movie out a bit more. Instead of thinking of ways to solve the problem (taking pictures of the Eiffel Tower), I just went with the flow and did not really do anything about it. For that I am vey disappointed in myself. Overall, I believe that my movie was a huge success for me!

Below is my movie!!!

Title: Eiffel Tower
Music: You spin me right round (like a record) by Dead or Alive
Go! Go Naruto! by Toshiro Masuda
Programs used: Sony Vegas and I-stop Motion
Items: Lego

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