Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Creative Media Reflections

Lesson 10: In today's lesson I started filming the other part of my movie (the scenes with the lego men). I did most of it in today's lesson so this means all I need to do next lesson is finish my project off. The scenes I did managed to do, was scene one and scene three. I thought it turned out really well and I look forward to being able to finish it next lesson.

Lesson 11: In today's lesson I decided it would be best to work on my blog. I decided to catch up on my reflections and finish editing my video. I am very happy with the turn out of my video and I believe the sound I put with the video is awesome as well.

The video below is a section of my video.

Title: Eiffel Tower
Music: You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) by Dead or Alive

Lesson 12: In today’s lesson, I made a really quick video. This video was shot in Reeves Courtyard using my books and ipod. It was really rushed so it might not flow correctly in some areas.

Title: Before Class
Music: None

Lesson 13: Since I have completely finished my video, in today’s lesson I decided to update my blog. I wrote some reflections and with the left over time that I had, I quickly made something in photoshop. The class only has two lessons left before our videos are due and I am very happy with myself since I have finished all my work. All I now need to do for each lesson is to write a reflection and that’s it, so I’m not stressed at all.

Lesson 14: Where oh where is Mr Powell? Oh wait there he is! In today’s lesson all I did was write my reflection and looked at other girls with their project. Personality I think Elna’s project is really awesome but it requires a lot of time. I also think that Brittany’s is good as well. I like Brittany’s because her idea is really simple but good at the same time. This is the second last lesson before our project is due and some girls still have a lot of work to do. I’m really glad that I’m not one of these girls because I think I would die of stress!

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