Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Reflection - 13/10/2010

In today’s creative media lesson, we actually did quite an interesting task. Mr Andrew’s got us to log onto blackboard before we had to click onto three other websites. The first website was kinda like a shuffle button for wiki while the second link was a shuffle button for a quote website. The third link was to a legal owned picture finder website. Our task was to use whatever word/quote came from the first two websites and we had to find pictures on the third website. It really annoyed me because all the pictures I really liked and wanted to use had copy write! This meant that I spent the rest of the lesson trying to find a suitable picture for my poster which really bugged me!!!

Homework: Finish poster

Poster Information
Title (from wiki): Moltifao

Tagline (from the second website): Use your enemy’s hand to catch a snake.

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