Elements of Design
-The colour scheme has used dark, dull colours – grey, blue tints and a fainted white colour
-The tone of the colours is not very strong. It is quite weak but since its weak, it suits the film better.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-The buildings use similar colours to the colour scheme. The buildings are white, grey, stone and there are parts where the buildings have darker colours.
-The font looks similar to Arial except the letters are more spaced and are red as well as bold. The credits and quotes are in white. All the writing is in upper case.
Principles of Design
-The music is repeated.
-It has the credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website. It also has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie. This is repeated for every page.
-The pictures used show
-The buildings in the background are balanced by the amount of text and the picture of one of the characters.
-The main emphasis of the website is promoting the movie. This is because the credits and movie title is always shown on each page (mainly the movie title since the viewer has to scroll down to see the credits).
Overall feel developed for each film’s promotional materials
-The overall feel is one of wonder (because you can see building being folded) and mystery (because it makes the viewer wonder what’s happening).
-It gives a very James Bond feel to it because all the characters are wearing suits and have their hair neatly done.
-When looking at the posters, the viewer is drawn in because of the odd and unreal reality that is happening – this is how my grandparents said they were drawn in.
Promotional posters
-The promotional poster is very similar to the website.
-Each of the posters has buildings in same way and the colour scheme is similar to that of the website.
-The movie title uses the same font, spacing and colour as the movie title on the website and the credits are the same as the credits on the website.
-However, the gene of the film can’t be identified straight away but after a while, the viewer can come to the conclusion that it is a thriller film (same case as the website).
Website Layout
First page (to enter the site):
-Shows a picture of a man jumping with people and rocks flying all around him.
-Above the picture is three positive re-views about Inception (range from 1 to 7 words max).
-Has credits underneath the picture as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-The font looks similar to Arial except the letters are more spaced and are red as well as bold. The credits and quotes are in white. All the writing is in upper case.
Second page:
-The background remains the same as the first page, (the title, credits and information) but the picture has been replaced with the trailer.
-All the trailers play after each other – trailer 1, trailer 2, trailer 3 and teaser trailer.
-There is a skip button so the viewer can skip the trailers and go into the website.
Third page:
-The background is a picture with all the characters standing together and the title of the movie is behind them.
-Positive short worded re-views are appearing in the middle of the screen –changing re-views.
-Music from the film is playing and repeating.
-Has credits underneath the picture as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-The font looks similar to Arial except the letters are more spaced and are red as well as bold. The credits and quotes are in white. All the writing is in upper case.
-The menu button is angled upwards and the text is white.
-When the viewer clicks on the menu button, a list of options come up. The writing is all in white except the word ‘HOME’, which is in red. When the mouse is moved over one of the words, the white changes to red.
Link: (it appears as the link does not change)
About the film:
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘About the film’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-On the front of the building is the film’s synopsis (next to the synopsis is a list of other options –SYNOPSIS – CAST – FILMMAKERS - NOTES) and a picture of the main character is just above the writing (which is a dark blue colour and the font is bold).
-Above the building is part of the movie title – the rest is hidden by a building.
-To the left of the building is the actor, Cillian Murphy who plays Robert Fisher, one of the main characters.
-When cast is chosen, a list of actors appears to the left of the writing and the picture above the text chances to whoever the actor is. The information is about the actor, like what his previous roles were and some in depth background information. This is the same for the ‘FILMMAKERS’. -Only the information on the building chances, the picture (of Robert Fisher) and background remains the same.
-The link ‘NOTES’ actives another site with all the notes the crew took during production.
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Video’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-On the front of the building, the trailers plays after each other and a list of options (which trailer the viewer wants to play) appears (the words after in uppercase and are coloured red in bold).
-Above the trailer is part of the movie title – the rest is hidden by a building.
-To the right of the trailer, actoress Ellen Page who plays Ariadne, can be seen.
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Downloads’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-The building on the left shows the official poster and to the right side, there is a list of options (POSTERS – SCREENSAVER - WALLPAPERS – BUDDY ICONS) which is white in uppercase and bold.
-Underneath the poster, there is a red button with a white arrow – one going left and the other going right.
-To the right of the building is Leonardo DiCaprio who plays Cobb, the main character.
-To the right of Cobb is the title of the movie but some of it is hidden of a building.
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Gallery’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-To the right is a building with a large picture of Cobb.
-Underneath the picture, there is a red button with a white arrow – one going left and the other going right. The title of the movie is underneath the picture but some of it is hidden of a building. -To the left of the building is actor Ken Watanabe who plays Saito.
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Sweepstakes’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-On the left building, there is a list of companies and a red button with an arrow pointing up and an arrow pointing down.
-The movie title is above the list of companies but some of the title has been cut off by a building. -To the right of the building is actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt who plays Arthur.
-When this button is clicked, it takes the viewer to another website to show when the movie is premiering and where the viewer can buy tickets to watch the movie/buy the dvd.
Prologue – The Cobol Job:
-When this button is clicked, it takes the viewer to another website which shows a comic of the Cobol Job – this is the job the film opens up on.
Protect your thoughts:
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Protect your thoughts’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-On the left building, there is a business called Verizon which when clicked on, links the person to another site and with phones.
-The movie title is above the list of companies but some of the title has been cut off by a building. -To the right of the building is actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt who plays Arthur.
-The layout is the same as sweepstakes.
Mind Crime Game:
-When this link is clicked, it opens up another site with a game based on Inception.
-The game is actually really quite interesting...not that I got distracted and played it...
Build your Poster:
-When this link is clicked, it opens up another site where the viewer can create a poster based on the characters and settings from Inception.
-I found this very enjoyable...not that I got sidetracked and did it again and again...
-When this link is clicked, it opens up another site where the viewer can look at the soundtrack and places where the viewer can buy the soundtrack.
-The viewer can also listen to all the tracks and there is a list of songs that are on the track.
Website’s effectiveness in appealing to an intended target audience
-I think that the target audience for Inception was young adults to older adults.
-This is because the website used many of today’s modern technology to create a site that appealed to both the young and older generation
-I know this because I show it to my grandparents and they were amazed by it and wanted to watch the movie.
What you like/dislike about the promotional material
-I loved the layout of the website – it really drew me in because it was so unique.
-How the viewer is able to travel through the city and watch clips from the movie.
-How in depth the writing about the characters, actors and filmmakers were. It got me a very good idea about who everyone was and what the movie was about.
-The posters were the same as the website (same colours and used the buildings).
-The fact that the link to the website didn’t change – the viewer couldn’t just go to the character profiles, they had to go to the website-enter the website and then go to the character profiles (unlike ‘A nightmare on Elm Street’ where you could enter the website and go straight to the area you wanted).
-The music got a tad annoying after listening to it repeatedly. I think it would have been better if the music from the album was played after each other and not just the one song.
-I couldn’t really tell what the gene was straight away.
Promotional material
-Still images/screen shots
-Biographies of the actors
-Character profiles
-Clips from the movie
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