Sunday, October 24, 2010

Developing the "Look and Feel" of my promotional campaign

Elements of Design
• Warm colours – crimson/black/bits of orange and yellow
• Tone -Strong contrasts between light and dark on the subject (tarot card)
-Dark and harsh
• Shape -A mixture of organic and geometric
• Form -Mainly geometric
• Line -Expressive, a mixture of jagged and flowing

Principles of Design
• Movement -Directs the viewer around the artwork by the lines, colour, tone and shapes
• Balance -Asymmetrical but tone and colours will balance out the website
• Unity -Cohesive quality creating a sense of balance
• Contrast -Differences in the elements to create dramatic effects – contrasting colour/texture/line
• Pattern -Repetition of elements
• Harmony -Pleasing arrangement of visual language to create a feeling of rightness or balance – harmonious use of colour/texture/background image to create feeling/balance.

Overall Feel
The overall feel I am trying to get from my audience is one of wonder and fear. I want to drawn them in with the mystery of the tarot cards yet I want them to be on the edge of their seats in fear. The atmosphere will be dark but clean and I’m hoping to be able to create such emotions like fright and anonymity.

How I will do this:
Tarot Cards – Tarot cards are largely involved with predicting the fate of someone so if I plan everything out correctly, then the tarot cards will draw the viewer in by using emotions such as wonder and curiosity.

Fright/Horror – By using dark colours, shapes, form and lines, I am hoping to create a frightening atmosphere and draw out emotions such as horror and fright from the viewer.

Website Layout
Font: Viner Hand ITC or Baskerville Old Face

Target Audience
The target audience I am aiming for is older teens to young adults. The website may also draw people who like horror/thriller movies as well but my main goal is older teens to young adults.

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