Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Feelings about the Production Task

When I first watched the final result of the film, I was literally amazed at how well it turned out and how tremendous it was. All the hard work and effort we all put into this film had finally paid off and this was shown when I compared our film to other films in our class.

The only things I would change about the film would be the group’s time management and the transition between shots. I believe that if we had gotten our act together and planned everything out in more depth and detail, that our film would be done sooner. I also think that some of the transitions between the shots could have been done clearer and a bit better. A part from those two things, I wouldn’t change anything else because the film turned out to be perfect!

If I was able to start the project over again, I would only change one thing. As I’ve mentioned several times before, I believe the one thing that killed us was our time management. I truly believe that if we had better organised ourselves and came up with the film’s idea sooner, then we would have had the film done earlier.

Overall, I am very happy with the final result of our film! We put a lot of effort into this movie and we managed to over come so many problems. After watching films done by other students, I think that ours turned out to be the best one and it looked professional to a certain extent. I am so happy with how our film turned out and I am so proud of our group's achievement!

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