Over the last few weeks in Creative Media, I have been working on creating a poster and website for my film. This has been both a happy but challenging experience which I have put a lot of time and effort into.
During this process, I actually didn’t face as many problems as I thought I would. There were a few things in photoshop I needed Mr Andrews’ help with and other little issues that I needed him for a second option but I did not run into any major problems. In iWeb, I came across a few complainants but I managed to solve them by myself which I’m really proud of. I also think I didn’t come across many problems in both photoshop and iWeb because I had left an entire lesson to just playing around with both programs to get a better idea of how to use them.
For once, I would not want to improve my time management! I finally learnt from all the all nights I have had getting creative media assignments done and managed my time brilliantly. It’s so good in fact, that I have managed to get my assignment done almost a whole week before its due! The only improvement I would make would be my planning. I think I should have planned the website and poster out in greater depth to make things a tad bit easier but I still managed to get it all done on time so I am not complaining.
Overall, I think my poster and website really suit the film. I have had positive feedback from everyone who I have showed but I am very happy that everyone has been easily able to identify the genre of the film. I am really glad Mr Andrews forced us and kept nagging us about our planning and making sure we had it done by a due date because this made me get everything done and helped me to coincidently update my blog. For future improvements, more in depth planning would be more helpful, so that is something I can work on but I want my time management to stay the same as it is right now! I love having the entire assignment done before its due so on Monday night -no late night for me! Anyway, I am really proud of my work and I think all the time and effort has paid
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Reflection - 5/11/2010
...ok...I didn't get my website exported today because Mr Andrews was everyone with their project so I can't really complain. So instead, I decided to ask others about my posters and website. I got lots of positive feedback on my website and heaps of feedback on my posters. Girls said that my poster really suited the film and the text/colour tied into the website. Everyone was easily able to identfity that the movie had a horror and thriller genre to it and I even asked girls who hadn't seen the movie and they said the exact something as the girls who had seen the movie! GO ME!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Reflection - 4/11/2010
YES! I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED MY ASSIGNMENT! EVERYTHING'S DONE! I borrowed out a laptop tonight so I could finish the last bit of my assignment and I'm so happy that everything's done! Thanks to my wonderful time management, my assignment is complete almost a week before its due. In tomorrow's lesson I'm hoping to have the website exported so I can hand it in and then that's one less thing to worry about.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Reflection - 3/11/2010
YAY! I am so close to finishing my assignment its not funny! I only need to add a few more things to my website and then everything's done. I'm really glad that Mr Andrew forced us into making sure everything was done by a certain date and I'm so happy that I've (finally) learnt from my mistakes of running out of time. I am very comfortable with my assignment and for once I'm not stressing or worrying about not finishing on time.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Reflection - 2/11/2010
In today's lesson, I managed to get all the content/layout of my website into iWeb meaning that next lesson all I have to do is add the pictures required. I am really happy so far because my time management has been fantastic so hopefully I can keep it up!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Reflection - 29/10/2010
In today's lesson, I got all the posters done! I had worked on them during my spare time after school so that helped in getting them done sooner. I used a lot of masks and soft brushes to complete my poster but I also had to change the colours to make it look more like a horror film.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Reflection - 27/10/2010
In today's lesson, I started on my poster. I decided that instead of doing an official poster that I would do three teaser posters instead. What I'm planning to do is have Eve's (Elena) poster as the main one and the other two characters will have posters with the same design.
Eve's poster - Have Eve's dead body and her face which will be a light blue colour. The words FATE will be written in white but the A will be in red with a blood trail falling down from the bottom.
Alex's poster (me) - It will have my face but it will be in red while the rest of the background is black. The words FATE will be written in white but the A will be in red with a blood trail falling down from the bottom.
Jenny's poster (Zheirleen) - It will have her face but it will be in red while the background is black. The words FATE will be written in white but the A will be in red with a blood trail falling down from the bottom.
I managed to get my poster done (it took so long because of all the cropping, cutting and layers I had to do) so next lesson I'll do Eve's and then Jenny's.
Eve's poster - Have Eve's dead body and her face which will be a light blue colour. The words FATE will be written in white but the A will be in red with a blood trail falling down from the bottom.
Alex's poster (me) - It will have my face but it will be in red while the rest of the background is black. The words FATE will be written in white but the A will be in red with a blood trail falling down from the bottom.
Jenny's poster (Zheirleen) - It will have her face but it will be in red while the background is black. The words FATE will be written in white but the A will be in red with a blood trail falling down from the bottom.
I managed to get my poster done (it took so long because of all the cropping, cutting and layers I had to do) so next lesson I'll do Eve's and then Jenny's.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Reflection - 26/10/2010
YAY! I stayed behind after school today and I got all the pictures I needed for my website! In tomorrow's lesson, I am planning to get started on my poster and once that's done, I'll do my website (I already have all the information I need so that can wait).
Monday, October 25, 2010
Reflection...I hate Macs
Ok, I really hate macs and any time of quicktime player file. None of them will open on my desktop meaning I can't do any work. I thought I just couldn't open the movie but turns out I can't open any work! This is very annoying so tomorrow afternoon I will be staying behind after school to get this done.
Reflection - 25/10/2010
In today's lesson I spent most of it playing around in iWeb. I now know how to do everything so next lesson I will start putting everything together for my website. I also got all the pictures and clips from Elena so tonight I will do a proper view of my website.
Homework - Do a proper view and poster for my website.
Homework - Do a proper view and poster for my website.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Developing the "Look and Feel" of my promotional campaign
Elements of Design
• Warm colours – crimson/black/bits of orange and yellow
• Tone -Strong contrasts between light and dark on the subject (tarot card)
-Dark and harsh
• Shape -A mixture of organic and geometric
• Form -Mainly geometric
• Line -Expressive, a mixture of jagged and flowing
Principles of Design
• Movement -Directs the viewer around the artwork by the lines, colour, tone and shapes
• Balance -Asymmetrical but tone and colours will balance out the website
• Unity -Cohesive quality creating a sense of balance
• Contrast -Differences in the elements to create dramatic effects – contrasting colour/texture/line
• Pattern -Repetition of elements
• Harmony -Pleasing arrangement of visual language to create a feeling of rightness or balance – harmonious use of colour/texture/background image to create feeling/balance.
Overall Feel
The overall feel I am trying to get from my audience is one of wonder and fear. I want to drawn them in with the mystery of the tarot cards yet I want them to be on the edge of their seats in fear. The atmosphere will be dark but clean and I’m hoping to be able to create such emotions like fright and anonymity.
How I will do this:
Tarot Cards – Tarot cards are largely involved with predicting the fate of someone so if I plan everything out correctly, then the tarot cards will draw the viewer in by using emotions such as wonder and curiosity.
Fright/Horror – By using dark colours, shapes, form and lines, I am hoping to create a frightening atmosphere and draw out emotions such as horror and fright from the viewer.
Website Layout
Font: Viner Hand ITC or Baskerville Old Face

Target Audience
The target audience I am aiming for is older teens to young adults. The website may also draw people who like horror/thriller movies as well but my main goal is older teens to young adults.
• Warm colours – crimson/black/bits of orange and yellow
• Tone -Strong contrasts between light and dark on the subject (tarot card)
-Dark and harsh
• Shape -A mixture of organic and geometric
• Form -Mainly geometric
• Line -Expressive, a mixture of jagged and flowing
Principles of Design
• Movement -Directs the viewer around the artwork by the lines, colour, tone and shapes
• Balance -Asymmetrical but tone and colours will balance out the website
• Unity -Cohesive quality creating a sense of balance
• Contrast -Differences in the elements to create dramatic effects – contrasting colour/texture/line
• Pattern -Repetition of elements
• Harmony -Pleasing arrangement of visual language to create a feeling of rightness or balance – harmonious use of colour/texture/background image to create feeling/balance.
Overall Feel
The overall feel I am trying to get from my audience is one of wonder and fear. I want to drawn them in with the mystery of the tarot cards yet I want them to be on the edge of their seats in fear. The atmosphere will be dark but clean and I’m hoping to be able to create such emotions like fright and anonymity.
How I will do this:
Tarot Cards – Tarot cards are largely involved with predicting the fate of someone so if I plan everything out correctly, then the tarot cards will draw the viewer in by using emotions such as wonder and curiosity.
Fright/Horror – By using dark colours, shapes, form and lines, I am hoping to create a frightening atmosphere and draw out emotions such as horror and fright from the viewer.
Website Layout
Font: Viner Hand ITC or Baskerville Old Face

Target Audience
The target audience I am aiming for is older teens to young adults. The website may also draw people who like horror/thriller movies as well but my main goal is older teens to young adults.
Okay were to start. If I go to bed thinking about something in great depth, than I tend to dream about it. Anyway, so last night I went to bed thinking about Creative Media and all the work I still have to do and I had this amazing dream! I dreamt that I was sitting at a large crimson red table and there were rows of cards laid out in front of me. I felt something in my hand and when I raised my hand I saw that my wrisit had been sliced and I was holding several tarot cards, three which had pictures of myself, Elena and Zheirleen. The scene then switched to where we did the spell and a tarot card appeared before it disappeared and the words "accept the things to which fate binds you" appeared!
Thinking about it now, I can use that for my tagline and the tarot cards can be used for the poster and the website layout!!!
Thinking about it now, I can use that for my tagline and the tarot cards can be used for the poster and the website layout!!!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Planning and Developing the Contents, Information and Navigation Structure
Information on the Poster:
I’ve decided that my poster will be a teaser poster and therefore all I want on my poster will be the movie title, the release date and the tagline.
Film Synopsis: Three girls who are out casts in society and wanting nothing more to be accepted, are paying for their selfish wishes with their life. When their group leader, Eve, finds an ancient spell under mysterious circumstances and convinces her followers to perform the spell with her. She tells them it will make society acknowledge them and since they are all desperate for that acceptance, they agree and thus...the chaos begins.
Character Profiles:
Eve: Eve is a cruel, ruthless girl who wants nothing more than to be accepted in society. She grew up in a violent family home where her alcoholic father would beat her mother on a daily basics. As she got older and started understanding more about the situation she was in, she turned to drugs and smoking as a way to get out of it all.
When she met Alex, she was so happy to finally be acknowledged by someone that she was able to stop taking drugs and smoking. However, as time went on, Alex’s acknowledged wasn’t enough anymore. She started hiding her true feelings and began to portray herself as two very different people, one in public and the other in her private time. When Jenny joined her group, she had no problem in manipulating the sweet girl into a troubled teen who needed Eve’s approval in just about everything she did. Eve wants nothing more than society to accept her but this desire has turned into a very deadly obsession.
Alex: Alex was an ordinary girl who came from a normal family background. She had a very loving family and lived a comfortable life style. However, she wanted more. Her greed turned her from a caring girl to a selfish brat who had no problem in hurting other people if it meant she got what she wanted.
When Alex first met Eve, it was her pity that made her stay and be friends with her. As time went on, Alex saw the power that Eve had over others. She grew obsessed with Eve’s ability to manipulate others and how she was able to use that to get whatever she wanted. Alex started to idolise Eve because Eve was able to get whatever she wanted, something that Alex craved for but could not achieve. When she first met Jenny, Alex became friends with her because she thought she would be able to manipulate the girl like Eve had done to her. Alex’s fixation with Eve and her control over Jenny, is slowly turning her into a very dark and cruel person.
Jenny: Jenny is a sweet, timid girl who associates with the wrong crowd. Due to her incredible shyness, it makes it hard for her to open up to others around her so she tends to spend a lot of time by herself which she absolutely hates. As she struggles to make friends, other students start making fun of her and bully her because they know she won’t fight back.
When she meets Eve and Alex, she starts to open up to them but she doesn’t truly feel like she’s their friend. As time goes on, she hangs out with the other two girls and lets them manipulate and use her to their desire. There are times where she does not agree with what the other two girls are doing but she does not speak against them as she fears that they will abandoned her, leaving her alone and secluded. Jenny truly believes that it’s better to be used and have some meaning then to be left alone and isolated in the darkness.
About the Cast/Crew:
Elena Liang: (Elena will write her own)
Taryn Williams: (Will write later after I've talked to the others)
Zherileen Sicango: (Zherileen will write her own)
I’ve decided that my poster will be a teaser poster and therefore all I want on my poster will be the movie title, the release date and the tagline.
Film Synopsis: Three girls who are out casts in society and wanting nothing more to be accepted, are paying for their selfish wishes with their life. When their group leader, Eve, finds an ancient spell under mysterious circumstances and convinces her followers to perform the spell with her. She tells them it will make society acknowledge them and since they are all desperate for that acceptance, they agree and thus...the chaos begins.
Character Profiles:
Eve: Eve is a cruel, ruthless girl who wants nothing more than to be accepted in society. She grew up in a violent family home where her alcoholic father would beat her mother on a daily basics. As she got older and started understanding more about the situation she was in, she turned to drugs and smoking as a way to get out of it all.
When she met Alex, she was so happy to finally be acknowledged by someone that she was able to stop taking drugs and smoking. However, as time went on, Alex’s acknowledged wasn’t enough anymore. She started hiding her true feelings and began to portray herself as two very different people, one in public and the other in her private time. When Jenny joined her group, she had no problem in manipulating the sweet girl into a troubled teen who needed Eve’s approval in just about everything she did. Eve wants nothing more than society to accept her but this desire has turned into a very deadly obsession.
Alex: Alex was an ordinary girl who came from a normal family background. She had a very loving family and lived a comfortable life style. However, she wanted more. Her greed turned her from a caring girl to a selfish brat who had no problem in hurting other people if it meant she got what she wanted.
When Alex first met Eve, it was her pity that made her stay and be friends with her. As time went on, Alex saw the power that Eve had over others. She grew obsessed with Eve’s ability to manipulate others and how she was able to use that to get whatever she wanted. Alex started to idolise Eve because Eve was able to get whatever she wanted, something that Alex craved for but could not achieve. When she first met Jenny, Alex became friends with her because she thought she would be able to manipulate the girl like Eve had done to her. Alex’s fixation with Eve and her control over Jenny, is slowly turning her into a very dark and cruel person.
Jenny: Jenny is a sweet, timid girl who associates with the wrong crowd. Due to her incredible shyness, it makes it hard for her to open up to others around her so she tends to spend a lot of time by herself which she absolutely hates. As she struggles to make friends, other students start making fun of her and bully her because they know she won’t fight back.
When she meets Eve and Alex, she starts to open up to them but she doesn’t truly feel like she’s their friend. As time goes on, she hangs out with the other two girls and lets them manipulate and use her to their desire. There are times where she does not agree with what the other two girls are doing but she does not speak against them as she fears that they will abandoned her, leaving her alone and secluded. Jenny truly believes that it’s better to be used and have some meaning then to be left alone and isolated in the darkness.
About the Cast/Crew:
Elena Liang: (Elena will write her own)
Taryn Williams: (Will write later after I've talked to the others)
Zherileen Sicango: (Zherileen will write her own)
Friday, October 22, 2010
Reflection - 22/10/2010
In today's lesson, I managed to get quite a bit of part A done. I still have lots of work to do but not as much as I did before. So far, this task has been really hard for me because I'm not use to using such arty words and explaining everything from an artist view. Hopefully I'll be able to get the hang of it soon and it won't take me as long...hopefully.
Homework: Finish Part A
Homework: Finish Part A
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Reflection - 20/10/2010
Since I came late because of a meeting I had at lunch, all the laptops were gone...so I had to use the massive Mac (which I don't like). Anyway, Mr Andrew told us that part A of our assignment would be due next Monday so I have quite a bit of work to get done.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Dark Knight Poster

-Dark and analogus (colours are next to each other).
-Mostly dark blues/purples and light shades of white and blue.
-There is also a light green (Joker's hair) that can just be noticed.
-Dark red (meant to represent blood)
How does the colour scheme make you feel?
It creeps me out slightly but it makes me very curious. This is because I am curious as to why it is written in blood and just who the person is. However, in saying that I am creeped out by the type of person who does this and I am a bit uneasy to find out who.
What genre? Why?
The gene could be a thriller with horror elements. This is because the way the character is standing and the fact he is writing in blood is enough to say that it can either be horror or a thriller. However, looking at the colour scheme and the buildings in the background, I think the gene is more thriller than horror.
Is there a clear focal point?
My eyes are drawn straight away to the writing in red. I then tend to look at everything in the poster since its just something I do. Since everything is blurred a part from the writing in red, my eyes are drawn straight to that since it stands out so much.
What is the overall feel of the advertisement?
-Wonder (who is the man in the background)
-Slight fear
-Gives off a creepy feel -Excitment
Is the poster effective?
-Yes as it really draws the viewer in since the writing stands out so much. It also makes the viewer feel a range of emotions and makes them curious, therefore wanting to know/see more. The poster has been planned out carefully as it gives off enough information for the viewer to identity the person as the Joker from Batman but keeps enough away so the viewer wants to find out more.
Reflection - 19/10/2010
In today's lesson, Mr Andrew told us that part A of our assignment was due next Monday. I was very relaxed about it because so far I had planned my time out very well...that was until Mr Andrew showed us a document about visual language which we had to use in the website activity. Therefore, I need to ask Mr Andrews if I have to re-do the task or whether my work is just fine.
A part from that, in class we also did several exercises on different posters using the visual languages. We used the posters from New Dawn, Ratatouille, Blindness, Avatar and Blood Letting (a vampire movie). We then did our own analysts on a poster from the Dark Knight. This exercise did help me better understand how to write all this but I'm still very annoyed with the fact all my hard work has gone to waste. Mr Andrews should have really showed and done this with us BEFORE we did this exercise. I can't really do much but suck it up and do the work...as annoying as it may be.
Homework - Re-do the film analysing task and finish the Dark Knight poster.
A part from that, in class we also did several exercises on different posters using the visual languages. We used the posters from New Dawn, Ratatouille, Blindness, Avatar and Blood Letting (a vampire movie). We then did our own analysts on a poster from the Dark Knight. This exercise did help me better understand how to write all this but I'm still very annoyed with the fact all my hard work has gone to waste. Mr Andrews should have really showed and done this with us BEFORE we did this exercise. I can't really do much but suck it up and do the work...as annoying as it may be.
Homework - Re-do the film analysing task and finish the Dark Knight poster.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Creative Media Reflection - 15/10/2010
In today’s creative media lesson, Mr Andrew got us to re-do our poster but we had to try and make our poster for a different genre. We needed to use the same title and tagline but we were allowed to use different pictures. I managed to get some of my poster done but I will need to finish it off for homework.
Homework – Finish poster
Homework – Finish poster
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Reflection - 13/10/2010
In today’s creative media lesson, we actually did quite an interesting task. Mr Andrew’s got us to log onto blackboard before we had to click onto three other websites. The first website was kinda like a shuffle button for wiki while the second link was a shuffle button for a quote website. The third link was to a legal owned picture finder website. Our task was to use whatever word/quote came from the first two websites and we had to find pictures on the third website. It really annoyed me because all the pictures I really liked and wanted to use had copy write! This meant that I spent the rest of the lesson trying to find a suitable picture for my poster which really bugged me!!!
Homework: Finish poster
Poster Information
Title (from wiki): Moltifao
Tagline (from the second website): Use your enemy’s hand to catch a snake.
Homework: Finish poster
Poster Information
Title (from wiki): Moltifao
Tagline (from the second website): Use your enemy’s hand to catch a snake.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Website: http://www.universalpictures.com/devil/
Elements of design
-The colour scheme uses dull colours – mainly the colours someone finds in an office evaluator – light brown (wood), metal and mirror/glass.
-The website changes the colour tone when it flashes or when static appears.
-The tone of the colours is not very strong. It is quite weak but since its weak, it suits the film better.
-The website is all based inside an evaluator – every link takes the viewer to a different section of the evaluator.
-The website has been carefully thought out because the spacing is very well done. It never looks or feels cramped.
Principles of design
-The main emphasis of the website was promoting the film. The title and links to social websites that the film has.
-The text and font was always kept the same.
-The music that plays repeatedly really suits the website as it makes the viewer feel anxious and draws them more into the website.
-The clips that have been chosen for each area of the website, are clips that portray an uneasy feeling which you know something bad is going to happen next.
Overall feel developed for each film’s promotional materials
-Clearly shows that the movie is a horror/thriller and makes the view feel the right emotions (it doesn’t make you sit there laughing, it makes you sit there dreading and unsure – good emotions for a horror/thriller film).
-It makes the viewer feel slightly edgy and uncertain because of the clips, music and that the site flashes and static appears.
-The film’s promotional materials have portrayed the film’s gene but instead of using a dark sinister colour scheme, they have used an everyday situation. They have used a ‘normal’ colour scheme but added lots of horror elements to make up for the lack of dark colours.
Promotional posters for the film
-The promotional posters were very much like the website.
-Each poster had used shadowy, menacing colours –black and dark red
-I really liked how the viewer could easily tell the gene just by looking at the poster.
-I also thought that each of the poster portrayed that the movie was a dark film which lots of horror and thriller elements.
-I liked how in each poster there was something to do with an evaluator – whether it be the doors for an evaluator or the buttons of an evaluator.
The website is layout
First page (enter the site):
-The font of the main title is similar to the font of MS GOTHIC (straight and thin) in bold and the letters have been evenly spaced out. The letters are also all in capital. The symbol for the ‘V’ is a downward triangle (down button on an evaluator).The rest of the writing on the website site looks similar to the font ‘tahoma’ and all the words/letters are spaced out and are in capital.
-Underneath the main title is the movie trailer which automatically plays when the viewer enters the site.
-To the left of the trailer (in the top left corner) is three different links. The first is a link to Tweet about Devil, the second is the tagline of the movie and the last is where the viewer can purchase tickets and the showtimes for the movie.
-To the right of the trailer (in the top right corner) is three different links. The first is a link to facebook where a page has been made for the movie, the second is to enter the site and the last link is to another website with facts and myths about the devil.
-Underneath the trailer is a banner which links to a game based off the movie.
-The credits at the bottom of the site are white upper case letters as well as the studio logos and the icons for twitter, facebook and several other social websites.
Second page:
-Shows some scenes from the movie and the layout is in an evaluator (where the movie takes place).
-The tagline for the film is on the wall of the right side.
-Half way down the right wall, it shows clips from the movie. However, these clips flash out and in.
-The page keeps flashing and static appears every now and then.
-On the back wall, it shows clips from the movie (which flash in and out). These clips do not cover the entire back wall but a third (the back wall has been split into three vertical parts and the clips are showing in the middle part).
-The music playing in the background is actually quite creepy. At first, it starts with the evaluator beeping noise (plays when the evaluator is going to a floor). The music sounds very eerie and there are normal sounds mixed into the music (glass breaking, evaluator going up and down on the ropes, suspenseful music, evaluator doors opening and closing and the sound produced when film/footage flickers).
-In the top left corner of the website, is a picture of an evaluator button (one going up and one going down). The top button is has not been ‘pressed’ so it does not light up but the bottom switch has been ‘pressed’ so it has a red glow around it (like a normal evaluator button would if it was pressed).
-To the left of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) D and E. To the right of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) I and L. This means that the downward button is the letter V so it spells the movie title – DEVIL.
-Beneath the downward button is ‘NOW PLAYING’ in bold white uppercase letters.
-Above the upward button is the ‘FROM PRODUCER M.NIGHT SHYAMALAN’ in thin white uppercase letters.
-At the bottom of the website (right) is several links to social websites where the movie has a site. There is also a button is mute the music.
-At the bottom left is a button which opens the main menu. When this button is clicked, it forms a 3D evaluator with links to other areas in the site.
-When the site is opening to another page, a line of numbers appear and it begins to count down (like the numbers above an evaluator to let the person know which floor the evaluator is on/going pasted).
Link: http://www.universalpictures.com/devil/main.html
About the Film:
-When this link is clicked, all the writing on the previous page disappears (so only the background is left) and the viewer moves around the evaluator before finally resting on the outside of the evaluator.
-The background image is that of the outside of an evaluator.
-In the middle of the screen is a large box with information about the story/or whatever is chosen.
- The writing on the website site looks similar to the font ‘tahoma’ and all the words are in capital. The main title (STORY) is in bold upper case letters and the title has a slight shadow.
-Underneath the box of information is four links to different areas. The first link is to the story, the second is information about the cast, the third about the crew and the four link shows the viewer the directors notes.
-When the second link is clicked, everything but the background disappears and the viewer is quickly shifted forward before the same layout as the STORY page appears. However, to the right of the box is a picture of the actor playing his character. This is the same for the crew link however, instead of the picture being to the side, the picture is above the writing.
-The music playing in the background is actually quite creepy. At first, it starts with the evaluator beeping noise (plays when the evaluator is going to a floor). The music sounds very eerie and there are normal sounds mixed into the music (glass breaking, evaluator going up and down on the ropes, suspenseful music, evaluator doors opening and closing and the sound produced when film/footage flickers).
-In the top left corner of the website, is a picture of an evaluator button (one going up and one going down). The top button is has not been ‘pressed’ so it does not light up but the bottom switch has been ‘pressed’ so it has a red glow around it (like a normal evaluator button would if it was pressed).
-To the left of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) D and E. To the right of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) I and L. This means that the downward button is the letter V so it spells the movie title – DEVIL.
-Beneath the downward button is ‘NOW PLAYING’ in bold white uppercase letters.
-Above the upward button is the ‘FROM PRODUCER M.NIGHT SHYAMALAN’ in thin white uppercase letters.
-At the bottom of the website (right) is several links to social websites where the movie has a site. There is also a button is mute the music.
-At the bottom left is a button which opens the main menu. When this button is clicked, it forms a 3D evaluator with links to other areas in the site.
-When the site is opening to another page, a line of numbers appear and it begins to count down (like the numbers above an evaluator to let the person know which floor the evaluator is on/going pasted).
-The page flashes and static appears every now and then.
Link: http://www.universalpictures.com/devil/main.html#about/story
-When this link is clicked, all the writing on the previous page disappears (so only the background is left) and the viewer moves around the evaluator before finally resting on the corner of the evaluator.
-On the wall of the evaluator is a row of pictures and above that is a long metal bar.
-Several clips from the movie play in a small rectangular box (about a third of the entire wall) and at the bottom left of that box is the word GALLERY in upper case letters with a slight shadow behind the words.
-The music playing in the background is actually quite creepy. At first, it starts with the evaluator beeping noise (plays when the evaluator is going to a floor). The music sounds very eerie and there are normal sounds mixed into the music (glass breaking, evaluator going up and down on the ropes, suspenseful music, evaluator doors opening and closing and the sound produced when film/footage flickers).
-In the top left corner of the website, is a picture of an evaluator button (one going up and one going down). The top button is has not been ‘pressed’ so it does not light up but the bottom switch has been ‘pressed’ so it has a red glow around it (like a normal evaluator button would if it was pressed).
-To the left of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) D and E. To the right of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) I and L. This means that the downward button is the letter V so it spells the movie title – DEVIL.
-Beneath the downward button is ‘NOW PLAYING’ in bold white uppercase letters.
-Above the upward button is the ‘FROM PRODUCER M.NIGHT SHYAMALAN’ in thin white uppercase letters.
-At the bottom of the website (right) is several links to social websites where the movie has a site. There is also a button is mute the music.
-At the bottom left is a button which opens the main menu. When this button is clicked, it forms a 3D evaluator with links to other areas in the site.
-When the site is opening to another page, a line of numbers appear and it begins to count down (like the numbers above an evaluator to let the person know which floor the evaluator is on/going pasted).
-The page flashes and static appears every now and then.
Link: http://www.universalpictures.com/devil/main.html#gallery
-When this link is clicked, all the writing on the previous page disappears (so only the background is left) and the viewer moves around the evaluator before finally resting on an extreme close up on the corner of the evaluator and the buttons to the different floors.
-When WALLPAPERS (which is red uppercase bold letters) is clicked. Several different images appear on the buttons for the other levels. This is the same for the ICONS button.
-On the left side is a small preview of the image and underneath is a list of what sizes are available.
-The music playing in the background is actually quite creepy. At first, it starts with the evaluator beeping noise (plays when the evaluator is going to a floor). The music sounds very eerie and there are normal sounds mixed into the music (glass breaking, evaluator going up and down on the ropes, suspenseful music, evaluator doors opening and closing and the sound produced when film/footage flickers).
-In the top left corner of the website, is a picture of an evaluator button (one going up and one going down). The top button is has not been ‘pressed’ so it does not light up but the bottom switch has been ‘pressed’ so it has a red glow around it (like a normal evaluator button would if it was pressed).
-To the left of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) D and E. To the right of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) I and L. This means that the downward button is the letter V so it spells the movie title – DEVIL.
-Beneath the downward button is ‘NOW PLAYING’ in bold white uppercase letters.
-Above the upward button is the ‘FROM PRODUCER M.NIGHT SHYAMALAN’ in thin white uppercase letters.
-At the bottom of the website (right) is several links to social websites where the movie has a site. There is also a button is mute the music.
-At the bottom left is a button which opens the main menu. When this button is clicked, it forms a 3D evaluator with links to other areas in the site.
-When the site is opening to another page, a line of numbers appear and it begins to count down (like the numbers above an evaluator to let the person know which floor the evaluator is on/going pasted).
-The page flashes and static appears every now and then.
Link: http://www.universalpictures.com/devil/main.html#downloads/wallpapers
-When this link is clicked, all the writing on the previous page disappears (so only the background is left) and the viewer moves around the evaluator before the doors open and a large screen appears.
-Appear the box, VIDEO appears in uppercase bold white letters.
-Underneath the box, a line of other videos available to watch appears.
-In the top left corner of the website, is a picture of an evaluator button (one going up and one going down). The top button is has not been ‘pressed’ so it does not light up but the bottom switch has been ‘pressed’ so it has a red glow around it (like a normal evaluator button would if it was pressed).
-To the left of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) D and E. To the right of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) I and L. This means that the downward button is the letter V so it spells the movie title – DEVIL.
-Beneath the downward button is ‘NOW PLAYING’ in bold white uppercase letters.
-Above the upward button is the ‘FROM PRODUCER M.NIGHT SHYAMALAN’ in thin white uppercase letters.
-At the bottom of the website (right) is several links to social websites where the movie has a site. There is also a button is mute the music.
-At the bottom left is a button which opens the main menu. When this button is clicked, it forms a 3D evaluator with links to other areas in the site.
-When the site is opening to another page, a line of numbers appear and it begins to count down (like the numbers above an evaluator to let the person know which floor the evaluator is on/going pasted).
Link: http://www.universalpictures.com/devil/main.html#video/0
Website’s effectiveness in appealing to an intended target audience
-I believe that the target audience is for people who like horror films and those who had an interest in strange things/the devil.
-If this is the target audience, then the website has really appealed to the target audience but I think some things could have been done better to make the genre a bit more obvious.
-I enjoy watching horror films and when studying this website, I could easily tell that this movie was a horror film and by looking at the posters and trailer, it was going to be a really good movie.
What I like/dislike about the promotional material
-I really liked how the website had been set out and how everything was based inside an evaluator.
-How the creators of the website had thought outside the box and make a really creative and interesting website.
-I liked how the website would flash and static appeared – it felt like something was wrong and it gave off a very eerie feeling.
-That the posters were similar to the website and you were able to tell the genre straight away.
-The website didn’t always work – at school I could never access it because it just won’t show up.
-The music was really good but it got very annoying listening to it after a while.
-It sometimes took a while for the website to load everything and sometimes the internet would not respond because it was taking so long.
Promotional Material on the Website:
-Still images/screen shots
-Biographies of the actors
-Character profiles
-Clips from the movie
Website: http://www.universalpictures.com/devil/
Elements of design
-The colour scheme uses dull colours – mainly the colours someone finds in an office evaluator – light brown (wood), metal and mirror/glass.
-The website changes the colour tone when it flashes or when static appears.
-The tone of the colours is not very strong. It is quite weak but since its weak, it suits the film better.
-The website is all based inside an evaluator – every link takes the viewer to a different section of the evaluator.
-The website has been carefully thought out because the spacing is very well done. It never looks or feels cramped.
Principles of design
-The main emphasis of the website was promoting the film. The title and links to social websites that the film has.
-The text and font was always kept the same.
-The music that plays repeatedly really suits the website as it makes the viewer feel anxious and draws them more into the website.
-The clips that have been chosen for each area of the website, are clips that portray an uneasy feeling which you know something bad is going to happen next.
Overall feel developed for each film’s promotional materials
-Clearly shows that the movie is a horror/thriller and makes the view feel the right emotions (it doesn’t make you sit there laughing, it makes you sit there dreading and unsure – good emotions for a horror/thriller film).
-It makes the viewer feel slightly edgy and uncertain because of the clips, music and that the site flashes and static appears.
-The film’s promotional materials have portrayed the film’s gene but instead of using a dark sinister colour scheme, they have used an everyday situation. They have used a ‘normal’ colour scheme but added lots of horror elements to make up for the lack of dark colours.
Promotional posters for the film
-The promotional posters were very much like the website.
-Each poster had used shadowy, menacing colours –black and dark red
-I really liked how the viewer could easily tell the gene just by looking at the poster.
-I also thought that each of the poster portrayed that the movie was a dark film which lots of horror and thriller elements.
-I liked how in each poster there was something to do with an evaluator – whether it be the doors for an evaluator or the buttons of an evaluator.
The website is layout
First page (enter the site):
-The font of the main title is similar to the font of MS GOTHIC (straight and thin) in bold and the letters have been evenly spaced out. The letters are also all in capital. The symbol for the ‘V’ is a downward triangle (down button on an evaluator).The rest of the writing on the website site looks similar to the font ‘tahoma’ and all the words/letters are spaced out and are in capital.
-Underneath the main title is the movie trailer which automatically plays when the viewer enters the site.
-To the left of the trailer (in the top left corner) is three different links. The first is a link to Tweet about Devil, the second is the tagline of the movie and the last is where the viewer can purchase tickets and the showtimes for the movie.
-To the right of the trailer (in the top right corner) is three different links. The first is a link to facebook where a page has been made for the movie, the second is to enter the site and the last link is to another website with facts and myths about the devil.
-Underneath the trailer is a banner which links to a game based off the movie.
-The credits at the bottom of the site are white upper case letters as well as the studio logos and the icons for twitter, facebook and several other social websites.
Second page:
-Shows some scenes from the movie and the layout is in an evaluator (where the movie takes place).
-The tagline for the film is on the wall of the right side.
-Half way down the right wall, it shows clips from the movie. However, these clips flash out and in.
-The page keeps flashing and static appears every now and then.
-On the back wall, it shows clips from the movie (which flash in and out). These clips do not cover the entire back wall but a third (the back wall has been split into three vertical parts and the clips are showing in the middle part).
-The music playing in the background is actually quite creepy. At first, it starts with the evaluator beeping noise (plays when the evaluator is going to a floor). The music sounds very eerie and there are normal sounds mixed into the music (glass breaking, evaluator going up and down on the ropes, suspenseful music, evaluator doors opening and closing and the sound produced when film/footage flickers).
-In the top left corner of the website, is a picture of an evaluator button (one going up and one going down). The top button is has not been ‘pressed’ so it does not light up but the bottom switch has been ‘pressed’ so it has a red glow around it (like a normal evaluator button would if it was pressed).
-To the left of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) D and E. To the right of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) I and L. This means that the downward button is the letter V so it spells the movie title – DEVIL.
-Beneath the downward button is ‘NOW PLAYING’ in bold white uppercase letters.
-Above the upward button is the ‘FROM PRODUCER M.NIGHT SHYAMALAN’ in thin white uppercase letters.
-At the bottom of the website (right) is several links to social websites where the movie has a site. There is also a button is mute the music.
-At the bottom left is a button which opens the main menu. When this button is clicked, it forms a 3D evaluator with links to other areas in the site.
-When the site is opening to another page, a line of numbers appear and it begins to count down (like the numbers above an evaluator to let the person know which floor the evaluator is on/going pasted).
Link: http://www.universalpictures.com/devil/main.html
About the Film:
-When this link is clicked, all the writing on the previous page disappears (so only the background is left) and the viewer moves around the evaluator before finally resting on the outside of the evaluator.
-The background image is that of the outside of an evaluator.
-In the middle of the screen is a large box with information about the story/or whatever is chosen.
- The writing on the website site looks similar to the font ‘tahoma’ and all the words are in capital. The main title (STORY) is in bold upper case letters and the title has a slight shadow.
-Underneath the box of information is four links to different areas. The first link is to the story, the second is information about the cast, the third about the crew and the four link shows the viewer the directors notes.
-When the second link is clicked, everything but the background disappears and the viewer is quickly shifted forward before the same layout as the STORY page appears. However, to the right of the box is a picture of the actor playing his character. This is the same for the crew link however, instead of the picture being to the side, the picture is above the writing.
-The music playing in the background is actually quite creepy. At first, it starts with the evaluator beeping noise (plays when the evaluator is going to a floor). The music sounds very eerie and there are normal sounds mixed into the music (glass breaking, evaluator going up and down on the ropes, suspenseful music, evaluator doors opening and closing and the sound produced when film/footage flickers).
-In the top left corner of the website, is a picture of an evaluator button (one going up and one going down). The top button is has not been ‘pressed’ so it does not light up but the bottom switch has been ‘pressed’ so it has a red glow around it (like a normal evaluator button would if it was pressed).
-To the left of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) D and E. To the right of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) I and L. This means that the downward button is the letter V so it spells the movie title – DEVIL.
-Beneath the downward button is ‘NOW PLAYING’ in bold white uppercase letters.
-Above the upward button is the ‘FROM PRODUCER M.NIGHT SHYAMALAN’ in thin white uppercase letters.
-At the bottom of the website (right) is several links to social websites where the movie has a site. There is also a button is mute the music.
-At the bottom left is a button which opens the main menu. When this button is clicked, it forms a 3D evaluator with links to other areas in the site.
-When the site is opening to another page, a line of numbers appear and it begins to count down (like the numbers above an evaluator to let the person know which floor the evaluator is on/going pasted).
-The page flashes and static appears every now and then.
Link: http://www.universalpictures.com/devil/main.html#about/story
-When this link is clicked, all the writing on the previous page disappears (so only the background is left) and the viewer moves around the evaluator before finally resting on the corner of the evaluator.
-On the wall of the evaluator is a row of pictures and above that is a long metal bar.
-Several clips from the movie play in a small rectangular box (about a third of the entire wall) and at the bottom left of that box is the word GALLERY in upper case letters with a slight shadow behind the words.
-The music playing in the background is actually quite creepy. At first, it starts with the evaluator beeping noise (plays when the evaluator is going to a floor). The music sounds very eerie and there are normal sounds mixed into the music (glass breaking, evaluator going up and down on the ropes, suspenseful music, evaluator doors opening and closing and the sound produced when film/footage flickers).
-In the top left corner of the website, is a picture of an evaluator button (one going up and one going down). The top button is has not been ‘pressed’ so it does not light up but the bottom switch has been ‘pressed’ so it has a red glow around it (like a normal evaluator button would if it was pressed).
-To the left of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) D and E. To the right of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) I and L. This means that the downward button is the letter V so it spells the movie title – DEVIL.
-Beneath the downward button is ‘NOW PLAYING’ in bold white uppercase letters.
-Above the upward button is the ‘FROM PRODUCER M.NIGHT SHYAMALAN’ in thin white uppercase letters.
-At the bottom of the website (right) is several links to social websites where the movie has a site. There is also a button is mute the music.
-At the bottom left is a button which opens the main menu. When this button is clicked, it forms a 3D evaluator with links to other areas in the site.
-When the site is opening to another page, a line of numbers appear and it begins to count down (like the numbers above an evaluator to let the person know which floor the evaluator is on/going pasted).
-The page flashes and static appears every now and then.
Link: http://www.universalpictures.com/devil/main.html#gallery
-When this link is clicked, all the writing on the previous page disappears (so only the background is left) and the viewer moves around the evaluator before finally resting on an extreme close up on the corner of the evaluator and the buttons to the different floors.
-When WALLPAPERS (which is red uppercase bold letters) is clicked. Several different images appear on the buttons for the other levels. This is the same for the ICONS button.
-On the left side is a small preview of the image and underneath is a list of what sizes are available.
-The music playing in the background is actually quite creepy. At first, it starts with the evaluator beeping noise (plays when the evaluator is going to a floor). The music sounds very eerie and there are normal sounds mixed into the music (glass breaking, evaluator going up and down on the ropes, suspenseful music, evaluator doors opening and closing and the sound produced when film/footage flickers).
-In the top left corner of the website, is a picture of an evaluator button (one going up and one going down). The top button is has not been ‘pressed’ so it does not light up but the bottom switch has been ‘pressed’ so it has a red glow around it (like a normal evaluator button would if it was pressed).
-To the left of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) D and E. To the right of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) I and L. This means that the downward button is the letter V so it spells the movie title – DEVIL.
-Beneath the downward button is ‘NOW PLAYING’ in bold white uppercase letters.
-Above the upward button is the ‘FROM PRODUCER M.NIGHT SHYAMALAN’ in thin white uppercase letters.
-At the bottom of the website (right) is several links to social websites where the movie has a site. There is also a button is mute the music.
-At the bottom left is a button which opens the main menu. When this button is clicked, it forms a 3D evaluator with links to other areas in the site.
-When the site is opening to another page, a line of numbers appear and it begins to count down (like the numbers above an evaluator to let the person know which floor the evaluator is on/going pasted).
-The page flashes and static appears every now and then.
Link: http://www.universalpictures.com/devil/main.html#downloads/wallpapers
-When this link is clicked, all the writing on the previous page disappears (so only the background is left) and the viewer moves around the evaluator before the doors open and a large screen appears.
-Appear the box, VIDEO appears in uppercase bold white letters.
-Underneath the box, a line of other videos available to watch appears.
-In the top left corner of the website, is a picture of an evaluator button (one going up and one going down). The top button is has not been ‘pressed’ so it does not light up but the bottom switch has been ‘pressed’ so it has a red glow around it (like a normal evaluator button would if it was pressed).
-To the left of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) D and E. To the right of the downward button is the letters (white and uppercase) I and L. This means that the downward button is the letter V so it spells the movie title – DEVIL.
-Beneath the downward button is ‘NOW PLAYING’ in bold white uppercase letters.
-Above the upward button is the ‘FROM PRODUCER M.NIGHT SHYAMALAN’ in thin white uppercase letters.
-At the bottom of the website (right) is several links to social websites where the movie has a site. There is also a button is mute the music.
-At the bottom left is a button which opens the main menu. When this button is clicked, it forms a 3D evaluator with links to other areas in the site.
-When the site is opening to another page, a line of numbers appear and it begins to count down (like the numbers above an evaluator to let the person know which floor the evaluator is on/going pasted).
Link: http://www.universalpictures.com/devil/main.html#video/0
Website’s effectiveness in appealing to an intended target audience
-I believe that the target audience is for people who like horror films and those who had an interest in strange things/the devil.
-If this is the target audience, then the website has really appealed to the target audience but I think some things could have been done better to make the genre a bit more obvious.
-I enjoy watching horror films and when studying this website, I could easily tell that this movie was a horror film and by looking at the posters and trailer, it was going to be a really good movie.
What I like/dislike about the promotional material
-I really liked how the website had been set out and how everything was based inside an evaluator.
-How the creators of the website had thought outside the box and make a really creative and interesting website.
-I liked how the website would flash and static appeared – it felt like something was wrong and it gave off a very eerie feeling.
-That the posters were similar to the website and you were able to tell the genre straight away.
-The website didn’t always work – at school I could never access it because it just won’t show up.
-The music was really good but it got very annoying listening to it after a while.
-It sometimes took a while for the website to load everything and sometimes the internet would not respond because it was taking so long.
Promotional Material on the Website:
-Still images/screen shots
-Biographies of the actors
-Character profiles
-Clips from the movie
Reflection - 11/10/2010
In today's lesson, Mr Andrews showed us the task sheet and explained to us what we would be doing. I must admit, I am looking forward to doing this task as I really enjoyed it last year. I also had a chat with Elena about the genre of our film. We both came to the conclusion that it was a thriller film with some horror elements. This means that the Inception website that I anaylised is kinda wrong. I did that website because it was a thriller movie and it gave me some very good ideas about the kind of layout I want for my website. However, as good as it is, I need to find and anaylise another thriller/horror movie website.
Homework - Find another movie website and complete the worksheet on it.
Homework - Find another movie website and complete the worksheet on it.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Website: http://inceptionmovie.warnerbros.com/
Elements of Design
-The colour scheme has used dark, dull colours – grey, blue tints and a fainted white colour
-The tone of the colours is not very strong. It is quite weak but since its weak, it suits the film better.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-The buildings use similar colours to the colour scheme. The buildings are white, grey, stone and there are parts where the buildings have darker colours.
-The font looks similar to Arial except the letters are more spaced and are red as well as bold. The credits and quotes are in white. All the writing is in upper case.
Principles of Design
-The music is repeated.
-It has the credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website. It also has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie. This is repeated for every page.
-The pictures used show
-The buildings in the background are balanced by the amount of text and the picture of one of the characters.
-The main emphasis of the website is promoting the movie. This is because the credits and movie title is always shown on each page (mainly the movie title since the viewer has to scroll down to see the credits).
Overall feel developed for each film’s promotional materials
-The overall feel is one of wonder (because you can see building being folded) and mystery (because it makes the viewer wonder what’s happening).
-It gives a very James Bond feel to it because all the characters are wearing suits and have their hair neatly done.
-When looking at the posters, the viewer is drawn in because of the odd and unreal reality that is happening – this is how my grandparents said they were drawn in.
Promotional posters
-The promotional poster is very similar to the website.
-Each of the posters has buildings in same way and the colour scheme is similar to that of the website.
-The movie title uses the same font, spacing and colour as the movie title on the website and the credits are the same as the credits on the website.
-However, the gene of the film can’t be identified straight away but after a while, the viewer can come to the conclusion that it is a thriller film (same case as the website).
Website Layout
First page (to enter the site):
-Shows a picture of a man jumping with people and rocks flying all around him.
-Above the picture is three positive re-views about Inception (range from 1 to 7 words max).
-Has credits underneath the picture as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-The font looks similar to Arial except the letters are more spaced and are red as well as bold. The credits and quotes are in white. All the writing is in upper case.
Link: http://inceptionmovie.warnerbros.com/
Second page:
-The background remains the same as the first page, (the title, credits and information) but the picture has been replaced with the trailer.
-All the trailers play after each other – trailer 1, trailer 2, trailer 3 and teaser trailer.
-There is a skip button so the viewer can skip the trailers and go into the website.
Link: http://inceptionmovie.warnerbros.com/
Third page:
-The background is a picture with all the characters standing together and the title of the movie is behind them.
-Positive short worded re-views are appearing in the middle of the screen –changing re-views.
-Music from the film is playing and repeating.
-Has credits underneath the picture as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-The font looks similar to Arial except the letters are more spaced and are red as well as bold. The credits and quotes are in white. All the writing is in upper case.
-The menu button is angled upwards and the text is white.
-When the viewer clicks on the menu button, a list of options come up. The writing is all in white except the word ‘HOME’, which is in red. When the mouse is moved over one of the words, the white changes to red.
Link: http://inceptionmovie.warnerbros.com/ (it appears as the link does not change)
About the film:
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘About the film’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-On the front of the building is the film’s synopsis (next to the synopsis is a list of other options –SYNOPSIS – CAST – FILMMAKERS - NOTES) and a picture of the main character is just above the writing (which is a dark blue colour and the font is bold).
-Above the building is part of the movie title – the rest is hidden by a building.
-To the left of the building is the actor, Cillian Murphy who plays Robert Fisher, one of the main characters.
-When cast is chosen, a list of actors appears to the left of the writing and the picture above the text chances to whoever the actor is. The information is about the actor, like what his previous roles were and some in depth background information. This is the same for the ‘FILMMAKERS’. -Only the information on the building chances, the picture (of Robert Fisher) and background remains the same.
-The link ‘NOTES’ actives another site with all the notes the crew took during production.
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Video’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-On the front of the building, the trailers plays after each other and a list of options (which trailer the viewer wants to play) appears (the words after in uppercase and are coloured red in bold).
-Above the trailer is part of the movie title – the rest is hidden by a building.
-To the right of the trailer, actoress Ellen Page who plays Ariadne, can be seen.
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Downloads’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-The building on the left shows the official poster and to the right side, there is a list of options (POSTERS – SCREENSAVER - WALLPAPERS – BUDDY ICONS) which is white in uppercase and bold.
-Underneath the poster, there is a red button with a white arrow – one going left and the other going right.
-To the right of the building is Leonardo DiCaprio who plays Cobb, the main character.
-To the right of Cobb is the title of the movie but some of it is hidden of a building.
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Gallery’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-To the right is a building with a large picture of Cobb.
-Underneath the picture, there is a red button with a white arrow – one going left and the other going right. The title of the movie is underneath the picture but some of it is hidden of a building. -To the left of the building is actor Ken Watanabe who plays Saito.
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Sweepstakes’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-On the left building, there is a list of companies and a red button with an arrow pointing up and an arrow pointing down.
-The movie title is above the list of companies but some of the title has been cut off by a building. -To the right of the building is actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt who plays Arthur.
-When this button is clicked, it takes the viewer to another website to show when the movie is premiering and where the viewer can buy tickets to watch the movie/buy the dvd.
Prologue – The Cobol Job:
-When this button is clicked, it takes the viewer to another website which shows a comic of the Cobol Job – this is the job the film opens up on.
Protect your thoughts:
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Protect your thoughts’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-On the left building, there is a business called Verizon which when clicked on, links the person to another site and with phones.
-The movie title is above the list of companies but some of the title has been cut off by a building. -To the right of the building is actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt who plays Arthur.
-The layout is the same as sweepstakes.
Mind Crime Game:
-When this link is clicked, it opens up another site with a game based on Inception.
-The game is actually really quite interesting...not that I got distracted and played it...
Link: http://www.mind-crime.com/
Build your Poster:
-When this link is clicked, it opens up another site where the viewer can create a poster based on the characters and settings from Inception.
-I found this very enjoyable...not that I got sidetracked and did it again and again...
Link: http://inceptionmovie.warnerbros.com/enterthedream/
-When this link is clicked, it opens up another site where the viewer can look at the soundtrack and places where the viewer can buy the soundtrack.
-The viewer can also listen to all the tracks and there is a list of songs that are on the track.
Website’s effectiveness in appealing to an intended target audience
-I think that the target audience for Inception was young adults to older adults.
-This is because the website used many of today’s modern technology to create a site that appealed to both the young and older generation
-I know this because I show it to my grandparents and they were amazed by it and wanted to watch the movie.
What you like/dislike about the promotional material
-I loved the layout of the website – it really drew me in because it was so unique.
-How the viewer is able to travel through the city and watch clips from the movie.
-How in depth the writing about the characters, actors and filmmakers were. It got me a very good idea about who everyone was and what the movie was about.
-The posters were the same as the website (same colours and used the buildings).
-The fact that the link to the website didn’t change – the viewer couldn’t just go to the character profiles, they had to go to the website-enter the website and then go to the character profiles (unlike ‘A nightmare on Elm Street’ where you could enter the website and go straight to the area you wanted).
-The music got a tad annoying after listening to it repeatedly. I think it would have been better if the music from the album was played after each other and not just the one song.
-I couldn’t really tell what the gene was straight away.
Promotional material
-Still images/screen shots
-Biographies of the actors
-Character profiles
-Clips from the movie
Elements of Design
-The colour scheme has used dark, dull colours – grey, blue tints and a fainted white colour
-The tone of the colours is not very strong. It is quite weak but since its weak, it suits the film better.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-The buildings use similar colours to the colour scheme. The buildings are white, grey, stone and there are parts where the buildings have darker colours.
-The font looks similar to Arial except the letters are more spaced and are red as well as bold. The credits and quotes are in white. All the writing is in upper case.
Principles of Design
-The music is repeated.
-It has the credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website. It also has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie. This is repeated for every page.
-The pictures used show
-The buildings in the background are balanced by the amount of text and the picture of one of the characters.
-The main emphasis of the website is promoting the movie. This is because the credits and movie title is always shown on each page (mainly the movie title since the viewer has to scroll down to see the credits).
Overall feel developed for each film’s promotional materials
-The overall feel is one of wonder (because you can see building being folded) and mystery (because it makes the viewer wonder what’s happening).
-It gives a very James Bond feel to it because all the characters are wearing suits and have their hair neatly done.
-When looking at the posters, the viewer is drawn in because of the odd and unreal reality that is happening – this is how my grandparents said they were drawn in.
Promotional posters
-The promotional poster is very similar to the website.
-Each of the posters has buildings in same way and the colour scheme is similar to that of the website.
-The movie title uses the same font, spacing and colour as the movie title on the website and the credits are the same as the credits on the website.
-However, the gene of the film can’t be identified straight away but after a while, the viewer can come to the conclusion that it is a thriller film (same case as the website).
Website Layout
First page (to enter the site):
-Shows a picture of a man jumping with people and rocks flying all around him.
-Above the picture is three positive re-views about Inception (range from 1 to 7 words max).
-Has credits underneath the picture as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-The font looks similar to Arial except the letters are more spaced and are red as well as bold. The credits and quotes are in white. All the writing is in upper case.
Link: http://inceptionmovie.warnerbros.com/
Second page:
-The background remains the same as the first page, (the title, credits and information) but the picture has been replaced with the trailer.
-All the trailers play after each other – trailer 1, trailer 2, trailer 3 and teaser trailer.
-There is a skip button so the viewer can skip the trailers and go into the website.
Link: http://inceptionmovie.warnerbros.com/
Third page:
-The background is a picture with all the characters standing together and the title of the movie is behind them.
-Positive short worded re-views are appearing in the middle of the screen –changing re-views.
-Music from the film is playing and repeating.
-Has credits underneath the picture as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-The font looks similar to Arial except the letters are more spaced and are red as well as bold. The credits and quotes are in white. All the writing is in upper case.
-The menu button is angled upwards and the text is white.
-When the viewer clicks on the menu button, a list of options come up. The writing is all in white except the word ‘HOME’, which is in red. When the mouse is moved over one of the words, the white changes to red.
Link: http://inceptionmovie.warnerbros.com/ (it appears as the link does not change)
About the film:
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘About the film’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-On the front of the building is the film’s synopsis (next to the synopsis is a list of other options –SYNOPSIS – CAST – FILMMAKERS - NOTES) and a picture of the main character is just above the writing (which is a dark blue colour and the font is bold).
-Above the building is part of the movie title – the rest is hidden by a building.
-To the left of the building is the actor, Cillian Murphy who plays Robert Fisher, one of the main characters.
-When cast is chosen, a list of actors appears to the left of the writing and the picture above the text chances to whoever the actor is. The information is about the actor, like what his previous roles were and some in depth background information. This is the same for the ‘FILMMAKERS’. -Only the information on the building chances, the picture (of Robert Fisher) and background remains the same.
-The link ‘NOTES’ actives another site with all the notes the crew took during production.
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Video’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-On the front of the building, the trailers plays after each other and a list of options (which trailer the viewer wants to play) appears (the words after in uppercase and are coloured red in bold).
-Above the trailer is part of the movie title – the rest is hidden by a building.
-To the right of the trailer, actoress Ellen Page who plays Ariadne, can be seen.
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Downloads’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-The building on the left shows the official poster and to the right side, there is a list of options (POSTERS – SCREENSAVER - WALLPAPERS – BUDDY ICONS) which is white in uppercase and bold.
-Underneath the poster, there is a red button with a white arrow – one going left and the other going right.
-To the right of the building is Leonardo DiCaprio who plays Cobb, the main character.
-To the right of Cobb is the title of the movie but some of it is hidden of a building.
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Gallery’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-To the right is a building with a large picture of Cobb.
-Underneath the picture, there is a red button with a white arrow – one going left and the other going right. The title of the movie is underneath the picture but some of it is hidden of a building. -To the left of the building is actor Ken Watanabe who plays Saito.
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Sweepstakes’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-On the left building, there is a list of companies and a red button with an arrow pointing up and an arrow pointing down.
-The movie title is above the list of companies but some of the title has been cut off by a building. -To the right of the building is actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt who plays Arthur.
-When this button is clicked, it takes the viewer to another website to show when the movie is premiering and where the viewer can buy tickets to watch the movie/buy the dvd.
Prologue – The Cobol Job:
-When this button is clicked, it takes the viewer to another website which shows a comic of the Cobol Job – this is the job the film opens up on.
Protect your thoughts:
-When this button is clicked, the original page disappears and the viewer travels through the city before bits of the movie play. It then comes to the page ‘Protect your thoughts’.
-The music playing is still the same.
-The background has rows of buildings and in the distance, it gives a bird’s eye view of a city.
-Has credits underneath as well as a facebook page and a number of facebook people who like the website.
-Has a line of different countries which link to cinemas/stores of where the viewer can buy the movie.
-On the left building, there is a business called Verizon which when clicked on, links the person to another site and with phones.
-The movie title is above the list of companies but some of the title has been cut off by a building. -To the right of the building is actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt who plays Arthur.
-The layout is the same as sweepstakes.
Mind Crime Game:
-When this link is clicked, it opens up another site with a game based on Inception.
-The game is actually really quite interesting...not that I got distracted and played it...
Link: http://www.mind-crime.com/
Build your Poster:
-When this link is clicked, it opens up another site where the viewer can create a poster based on the characters and settings from Inception.
-I found this very enjoyable...not that I got sidetracked and did it again and again...
Link: http://inceptionmovie.warnerbros.com/enterthedream/
-When this link is clicked, it opens up another site where the viewer can look at the soundtrack and places where the viewer can buy the soundtrack.
-The viewer can also listen to all the tracks and there is a list of songs that are on the track.
Website’s effectiveness in appealing to an intended target audience
-I think that the target audience for Inception was young adults to older adults.
-This is because the website used many of today’s modern technology to create a site that appealed to both the young and older generation
-I know this because I show it to my grandparents and they were amazed by it and wanted to watch the movie.
What you like/dislike about the promotional material
-I loved the layout of the website – it really drew me in because it was so unique.
-How the viewer is able to travel through the city and watch clips from the movie.
-How in depth the writing about the characters, actors and filmmakers were. It got me a very good idea about who everyone was and what the movie was about.
-The posters were the same as the website (same colours and used the buildings).
-The fact that the link to the website didn’t change – the viewer couldn’t just go to the character profiles, they had to go to the website-enter the website and then go to the character profiles (unlike ‘A nightmare on Elm Street’ where you could enter the website and go straight to the area you wanted).
-The music got a tad annoying after listening to it repeatedly. I think it would have been better if the music from the album was played after each other and not just the one song.
-I couldn’t really tell what the gene was straight away.
Promotional material
-Still images/screen shots
-Biographies of the actors
-Character profiles
-Clips from the movie
A Nightmare on Elm Street
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Website: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/
Elements of design
-The background is plain black and the credits shown at the bottom of the website (this background remains the same as only a section of the website chances).
-The colour scheme mainly uses red, black, grey and white.
-Each section of the website has a different picture on the background.
-The background pictures have been darkened and distorted slightly to give off a frightful feeling.
-There are also some parts of the image glowing slightly (glowing then dimming and repeating this).
-The space of the website has been clearly thought out. It does not feel/look cramped. The image and the information on that section balances the spacing out.
-The links to other areas of the site are at the very top.
-The font used is similar to leelawadee but it is slightly thinner then that font and the letters are closely packed together.
-The main titles are in a bright red while the rest of the writing is in white and a completely different font.
-There are links to fansites on facebook, twitter and myspace (promos the film because when people add/favourite the website, their friends and family can see it).
-The movie can easily be identified as a horror/thriller movie.
Principles of design
-The music that plays repeatedly really suits the website as it makes the viewer feel anxious and draws them more into the website.
-The images that have been chosen for each area of the website, are images that portray an uneasy feeling which you know something bad is going to happen next.
-The images were had people either on the left or right side and the text was on whatever side the people were not – see image 1 for example
-The main emphasis of the website was promoting the film. The title, credits and tagline were always shown.
-The text and font was always kept the same.
Overall feel developed for each film’s promotional materials
-The film’s promotional material gives off a very shadowy and sinister feel to it
-The film’s promotional materials have portrayed the film’s darkness and used the necessary colours and designs.
-It makes the viewer feel slightly edgy and uncertain because of the images (which are from the movie) used for the background.
-There were times when I started to feel really anxious because of the music playing again and again.
-Clearly shows that the movie is a horror/thriller and makes the view feel the right emotions (it doesn’t make you sit there laughing, it makes you sit there dreading and unsure – good emotions for a horror/thriller film).
Promotional posters for the film
-The promotional posters were very much like the website.
-Each poster had used shadowy, menacing colours –black, dark red and hints of dark orange.
-I really liked how the viewer could easily tell the gene just by looking at the poster.
-I also thought that each of the poster portrayed that the movie was quite a dark film which lots of horror and thriller elements – like when the main character is running from Freddy.
-I liked how in the posters, the viewer could only see the shows of the characters. There was however one poster which had a close up of Freddy and his claws.
The website is layout
First page (to enter the site): A background picture of Freddy and the trailer for the movie. The website gives to you options. BUY NOW or ENTER SITE.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/
Special Features (when you’ve entered the site):
-Main titles (movie title, tagline and special features) are in upper case as well as red and bold. The rest of the writing is in white and only the titles are in bold and upper case.
-The background picture has been darkened and has had the colour drained from it.
-The dvds that the viewer can purchase is to the right of the font (in the middle of the website, directly underneath the title) and a picture of Freddy is to the left of the font.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/#/epk/specialfeatures/
About the film:
-Main titles (movie title, tagline and special features) are in upper case as well as red and bold. The rest of the writing is in white and only the titles are in bold and upper case.
-The background picture has been darkened and has had the colour drained from it.
-A picture of Freddy is left of the font and takes up half the screen.
-The font is in line with BUY IT NOW and the font is in front of a large black patch.
-The overall atmosphere of this page feels sinister, mysterious and gloomy – suits the rest of the website.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/#/epk/film/
-Main titles (movie title, tagline and special features) are in upper case as well as red and bold. The rest of the writing is in white and only the titles are in bold and upper case.
-The background picture has been darkened and has had the colour drained from it.
-The trailer and teaser trailer are being played in a small box in the middle of the website.
-At the left corner of the small box is one of the main characters curled up about to cry because his that terrified.
-To the right of the small box, the viewer can see Freddy’s hand and the claws curl over so the claws are just above the small box.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/#/epk/video/
-Main titles (movie title, tagline and special features) are in upper case as well as red and bold. The rest of the writing is in white and only the titles are in bold and upper case.
-The background picture has been darkened but a blue tint has been added to it.
-The screenshots from the movie appear and automatically change unless the viewer stops it.
-The images are about a medium size and off to the left are a list of upcoming images.
-The viewer can also choose the images by clicking the left or right buttons. The viewer can also, by double clicking on the image, make the image appear full screen.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/#/epk/photos/
-Main titles (movie title, tagline and special features) are in upper case as well as red and bold. The rest of the writing is in white and only the titles are in bold and upper case.
-The background picture has been darkened and has had the colour drained from it.
-There are four different links – WALLPAPERS – POSTERS – BUDDY ICONS – SCREENSAVER
-The website is automatically on wallpapers and four images, which are even spaced and are exactly the same size, are shown underneath the line of options.
-To the left of this, and takes up half the screen, is a picture of one of the characters looking very scared.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/#/epk/downloads/
-Main titles (movie title, tagline and special features) are in upper case as well as red and bold. The rest of the writing is in white and only the titles are in bold and upper case.
-The background picture has been darkened and has had the colour drained from it.
-In line with the title of the movie is the album cover.
-Off to the right of the album is a list of song available on the album and a 30 second pre-view of each song.
-To the left of the album is two characters, who have the look of fear and uncertainly, one which is holding a lamp. The light from the lamp is dimming every now and then but the light is shining on the list of songs.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/#/epk/soundtrack/
Website’s effectiveness in appealing to an intended target audience
-I believe that the target audience is for people who like horror films and those who had watched the original movie.
-If this is the target audience, then the website has really appealed to the target audience!
-I enjoy watching horror films and when studying this website, I could easily tell that this movie was a horror film and by looking at the posters and trailer, it was going to be a really good screamer movie.
What I like/dislike about the promotional material
-I really liked that you could easily tell what gene the film was.
-The colours suited the gene of the film and were kept throughout the website and used in the poster – dark red, black and hints of dark orange.
-The movie title, credits and tagline were kept always shown on each page of the website.
-The background images had been darkened to suit the layout of the website and the writing on the website always managed to balance the layout.
-How the music kept repeatedly playing.
-Um...I actually didn’t dislike anything because I thought that the website layout had been done perfectly...
Promotional Material on the Website:
-Trailer (first page and video)
-Film music (special features)
-Clips of the film (about the film/video/photos/downloads/soundtrack)
-Biographies about the cast and crew (about the film)
-Still images (photos)
-Wallpapers, posters, buddy icons and screensavers (downloads)
-Music from the film (soundtrack)
-Links to the official shop (official shop)
Website: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/
Elements of design
-The background is plain black and the credits shown at the bottom of the website (this background remains the same as only a section of the website chances).
-The colour scheme mainly uses red, black, grey and white.
-Each section of the website has a different picture on the background.
-The background pictures have been darkened and distorted slightly to give off a frightful feeling.
-There are also some parts of the image glowing slightly (glowing then dimming and repeating this).
-The space of the website has been clearly thought out. It does not feel/look cramped. The image and the information on that section balances the spacing out.
-The links to other areas of the site are at the very top.
-The font used is similar to leelawadee but it is slightly thinner then that font and the letters are closely packed together.
-The main titles are in a bright red while the rest of the writing is in white and a completely different font.
-There are links to fansites on facebook, twitter and myspace (promos the film because when people add/favourite the website, their friends and family can see it).
-The movie can easily be identified as a horror/thriller movie.
Principles of design
-The music that plays repeatedly really suits the website as it makes the viewer feel anxious and draws them more into the website.
-The images that have been chosen for each area of the website, are images that portray an uneasy feeling which you know something bad is going to happen next.
-The images were had people either on the left or right side and the text was on whatever side the people were not – see image 1 for example
-The main emphasis of the website was promoting the film. The title, credits and tagline were always shown.
-The text and font was always kept the same.
Overall feel developed for each film’s promotional materials
-The film’s promotional material gives off a very shadowy and sinister feel to it
-The film’s promotional materials have portrayed the film’s darkness and used the necessary colours and designs.
-It makes the viewer feel slightly edgy and uncertain because of the images (which are from the movie) used for the background.
-There were times when I started to feel really anxious because of the music playing again and again.
-Clearly shows that the movie is a horror/thriller and makes the view feel the right emotions (it doesn’t make you sit there laughing, it makes you sit there dreading and unsure – good emotions for a horror/thriller film).
Promotional posters for the film
-The promotional posters were very much like the website.
-Each poster had used shadowy, menacing colours –black, dark red and hints of dark orange.
-I really liked how the viewer could easily tell the gene just by looking at the poster.
-I also thought that each of the poster portrayed that the movie was quite a dark film which lots of horror and thriller elements – like when the main character is running from Freddy.
-I liked how in the posters, the viewer could only see the shows of the characters. There was however one poster which had a close up of Freddy and his claws.
The website is layout
First page (to enter the site): A background picture of Freddy and the trailer for the movie. The website gives to you options. BUY NOW or ENTER SITE.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/
Special Features (when you’ve entered the site):
-Main titles (movie title, tagline and special features) are in upper case as well as red and bold. The rest of the writing is in white and only the titles are in bold and upper case.
-The background picture has been darkened and has had the colour drained from it.
-The dvds that the viewer can purchase is to the right of the font (in the middle of the website, directly underneath the title) and a picture of Freddy is to the left of the font.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/#/epk/specialfeatures/
About the film:
-Main titles (movie title, tagline and special features) are in upper case as well as red and bold. The rest of the writing is in white and only the titles are in bold and upper case.
-The background picture has been darkened and has had the colour drained from it.
-A picture of Freddy is left of the font and takes up half the screen.
-The font is in line with BUY IT NOW and the font is in front of a large black patch.
-The overall atmosphere of this page feels sinister, mysterious and gloomy – suits the rest of the website.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/#/epk/film/
-Main titles (movie title, tagline and special features) are in upper case as well as red and bold. The rest of the writing is in white and only the titles are in bold and upper case.
-The background picture has been darkened and has had the colour drained from it.
-The trailer and teaser trailer are being played in a small box in the middle of the website.
-At the left corner of the small box is one of the main characters curled up about to cry because his that terrified.
-To the right of the small box, the viewer can see Freddy’s hand and the claws curl over so the claws are just above the small box.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/#/epk/video/
-Main titles (movie title, tagline and special features) are in upper case as well as red and bold. The rest of the writing is in white and only the titles are in bold and upper case.
-The background picture has been darkened but a blue tint has been added to it.
-The screenshots from the movie appear and automatically change unless the viewer stops it.
-The images are about a medium size and off to the left are a list of upcoming images.
-The viewer can also choose the images by clicking the left or right buttons. The viewer can also, by double clicking on the image, make the image appear full screen.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/#/epk/photos/
-Main titles (movie title, tagline and special features) are in upper case as well as red and bold. The rest of the writing is in white and only the titles are in bold and upper case.
-The background picture has been darkened and has had the colour drained from it.
-There are four different links – WALLPAPERS – POSTERS – BUDDY ICONS – SCREENSAVER
-The website is automatically on wallpapers and four images, which are even spaced and are exactly the same size, are shown underneath the line of options.
-To the left of this, and takes up half the screen, is a picture of one of the characters looking very scared.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/#/epk/downloads/
-Main titles (movie title, tagline and special features) are in upper case as well as red and bold. The rest of the writing is in white and only the titles are in bold and upper case.
-The background picture has been darkened and has had the colour drained from it.
-In line with the title of the movie is the album cover.
-Off to the right of the album is a list of song available on the album and a 30 second pre-view of each song.
-To the left of the album is two characters, who have the look of fear and uncertainly, one which is holding a lamp. The light from the lamp is dimming every now and then but the light is shining on the list of songs.
Link: http://www.nightmareonelmstreet.com/dvd/#/epk/soundtrack/
Website’s effectiveness in appealing to an intended target audience
-I believe that the target audience is for people who like horror films and those who had watched the original movie.
-If this is the target audience, then the website has really appealed to the target audience!
-I enjoy watching horror films and when studying this website, I could easily tell that this movie was a horror film and by looking at the posters and trailer, it was going to be a really good screamer movie.
What I like/dislike about the promotional material
-I really liked that you could easily tell what gene the film was.
-The colours suited the gene of the film and were kept throughout the website and used in the poster – dark red, black and hints of dark orange.
-The movie title, credits and tagline were kept always shown on each page of the website.
-The background images had been darkened to suit the layout of the website and the writing on the website always managed to balance the layout.
-How the music kept repeatedly playing.
-Um...I actually didn’t dislike anything because I thought that the website layout had been done perfectly...
Promotional Material on the Website:
-Trailer (first page and video)
-Film music (special features)
-Clips of the film (about the film/video/photos/downloads/soundtrack)
-Biographies about the cast and crew (about the film)
-Still images (photos)
-Wallpapers, posters, buddy icons and screensavers (downloads)
-Music from the film (soundtrack)
-Links to the official shop (official shop)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Creative Media Reflection - 8/10/2010
In today's lesson, Mr Andrews showed us a document on blackboard which we would have to use when we were looking at websites. I decided that the genre of our film was a thriller film with some elements of horror and suspense. Once I knew what genres I needed to find, I found several very good websites I could study and get ideas from. I managed to answer the first two questions in great depth so my goal is to keep answering the question in depth. I'm doing this because I feel that it will make planning easier for me later on down the track.
Homework - Finish studying the websites and post the work up on blackboard.
Homework - Finish studying the websites and post the work up on blackboard.
Thriller Movie Posters
Below is a few examples of posters for four thriller movies.
The movies are:
-The Dark Knight
-Alien vs. Predator
-The Godfather
-Let Me In
The movies are:
-The Dark Knight
-Alien vs. Predator
-The Godfather
-Let Me In
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Reflection - Post production
We have encountered so many problems during both post film and filming that it became very frustrating. It was frustrating because all these problems can be easily avoided if we had planned better and filmed correctly the first time. We filmed scenes over and over again and there were times when we weren’t sure if the footage we shot would fit with the film. I believe that if we had spent more time planning instead of just filming, then we would have avoided LOTS of problems. A major problem I had when using Garageband was that something the files would not open. This was very, very annoying because I hated seeing all my hard work just disappear! I was very lucky that I had exported several of my works in Garageband to mp3 files. I still don’t understand why the files wouldn’t open but it doesn’t bother me anymore since I re-did and improved the original pieces. The last problem that I encountered was a few group related issues. I created a few pieces of music but I would have preferred to do it with the edited film so I could get the timing of certain areas right. However, Elena and I solved this problem by coming in during the holidays. Elena finished editing and I created the music based on the edited film. This turned out to be a really good idea because the film turned out brilliant and the music really suited the film!
Since I wasn’t in charge of the editing, I’m not sure whether the pre-production or postproduction planning helped Elena. I do remember her saying that she was glad she had made due dates when she wanted to have something done by but that’s all I know.
The time management for my group has not been the best. At first, we were not organised at all! Everything was rushed and the film just looked crap. When we did it the second time and went over everything in more depth and more carefully, the film turned out pretty good. However, I believe we would not be as stressed if we had been way more organised and gotten most of the filming right the first time. Elena managed to get all the editing done and because of all her hard work, the film turned out really well! I thought my part (music) turned out amazing and I believe that I had suitably managed my time well. After all the problems we had with time management during the filming process, I worked extra hard and made sure that I had planned in great depth to avoid any time management problems.
After looking at my blog and comparing it to other blogs, I think that I did more work then others but then there were some that I didn’t do more work then. I did reflections however I did them at the end of each stage (pre-filming, post filming, etc.). However, Elena and I have provided heaps of evidence of our planning, filming process and our thoughts during the entire project. In my next unit of work, I really want to improve on my blog and I am aiming to try and at least write a reflection at the end of each week.
During the entire project, I discovered several skills that I didn’t know I had. I discovered that I wasn’t too bad at filming and I could use the camera very well. At first, I was very concerned that I wouldn’t be able to use the camera but it turns out I can use it quite well. The other skill I discovered that I had was I could use Final Cut very well. A hobby of mine is to edit film and add music to it. At first I thought Final Cut would be a lot harder since I use Sony Vegas but it turns out that both programs are very similar to each other so I found using Final Cut quite easy. I also learnt new skills and techniques in Garageband. I managed to teach myself how to use the loops and how to string the audio together to make flow better. I mainly had to rely on my ears to see whether or not the music/audio suited the scene and the film. That was all the skills I discovered during the project.
Overall, I am very happy with the final result of our film! We put a lot of effort into this movie and we managed to over come so many problems. After watching films done by other students, I think that ours turned out to be the best one and it looked professional to a certain extent. I am so happy with how our film turned out and I am so proud of our group's achievement!
Since I wasn’t in charge of the editing, I’m not sure whether the pre-production or postproduction planning helped Elena. I do remember her saying that she was glad she had made due dates when she wanted to have something done by but that’s all I know.
The time management for my group has not been the best. At first, we were not organised at all! Everything was rushed and the film just looked crap. When we did it the second time and went over everything in more depth and more carefully, the film turned out pretty good. However, I believe we would not be as stressed if we had been way more organised and gotten most of the filming right the first time. Elena managed to get all the editing done and because of all her hard work, the film turned out really well! I thought my part (music) turned out amazing and I believe that I had suitably managed my time well. After all the problems we had with time management during the filming process, I worked extra hard and made sure that I had planned in great depth to avoid any time management problems.
After looking at my blog and comparing it to other blogs, I think that I did more work then others but then there were some that I didn’t do more work then. I did reflections however I did them at the end of each stage (pre-filming, post filming, etc.). However, Elena and I have provided heaps of evidence of our planning, filming process and our thoughts during the entire project. In my next unit of work, I really want to improve on my blog and I am aiming to try and at least write a reflection at the end of each week.
During the entire project, I discovered several skills that I didn’t know I had. I discovered that I wasn’t too bad at filming and I could use the camera very well. At first, I was very concerned that I wouldn’t be able to use the camera but it turns out I can use it quite well. The other skill I discovered that I had was I could use Final Cut very well. A hobby of mine is to edit film and add music to it. At first I thought Final Cut would be a lot harder since I use Sony Vegas but it turns out that both programs are very similar to each other so I found using Final Cut quite easy. I also learnt new skills and techniques in Garageband. I managed to teach myself how to use the loops and how to string the audio together to make flow better. I mainly had to rely on my ears to see whether or not the music/audio suited the scene and the film. That was all the skills I discovered during the project.
Overall, I am very happy with the final result of our film! We put a lot of effort into this movie and we managed to over come so many problems. After watching films done by other students, I think that ours turned out to be the best one and it looked professional to a certain extent. I am so happy with how our film turned out and I am so proud of our group's achievement!
Reflection - 6/10/2010
In today's creative media lesson, Mr Andrew gave us an introduction to our next assessment task. We went onto Tron's official website and we analysed the set out as well as what the website creators were trying to achieve. It gave me some really good ideas I could use for my website but I think I'll need to look at some thriller movie websites to really understand what I need to do. After that, Mr Andrews got us to write a reflection for the post-production we did after filming.
Homework - Finish post-production reflection and look at some thriller movie websites to get a better idea on what I should do for my website. I also need to tidy my blog up!
Homework - Finish post-production reflection and look at some thriller movie websites to get a better idea on what I should do for my website. I also need to tidy my blog up!
My Feelings about the Production Task
When I first watched the final result of the film, I was literally amazed at how well it turned out and how tremendous it was. All the hard work and effort we all put into this film had finally paid off and this was shown when I compared our film to other films in our class.
The only things I would change about the film would be the group’s time management and the transition between shots. I believe that if we had gotten our act together and planned everything out in more depth and detail, that our film would be done sooner. I also think that some of the transitions between the shots could have been done clearer and a bit better. A part from those two things, I wouldn’t change anything else because the film turned out to be perfect!
If I was able to start the project over again, I would only change one thing. As I’ve mentioned several times before, I believe the one thing that killed us was our time management. I truly believe that if we had better organised ourselves and came up with the film’s idea sooner, then we would have had the film done earlier.
Overall, I am very happy with the final result of our film! We put a lot of effort into this movie and we managed to over come so many problems. After watching films done by other students, I think that ours turned out to be the best one and it looked professional to a certain extent. I am so happy with how our film turned out and I am so proud of our group's achievement!
The only things I would change about the film would be the group’s time management and the transition between shots. I believe that if we had gotten our act together and planned everything out in more depth and detail, that our film would be done sooner. I also think that some of the transitions between the shots could have been done clearer and a bit better. A part from those two things, I wouldn’t change anything else because the film turned out to be perfect!
If I was able to start the project over again, I would only change one thing. As I’ve mentioned several times before, I believe the one thing that killed us was our time management. I truly believe that if we had better organised ourselves and came up with the film’s idea sooner, then we would have had the film done earlier.
Overall, I am very happy with the final result of our film! We put a lot of effort into this movie and we managed to over come so many problems. After watching films done by other students, I think that ours turned out to be the best one and it looked professional to a certain extent. I am so happy with how our film turned out and I am so proud of our group's achievement!
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