Saturday, November 6, 2010


Over the last few weeks in Creative Media, I have been working on creating a poster and website for my film. This has been both a happy but challenging experience which I have put a lot of time and effort into.

During this process, I actually didn’t face as many problems as I thought I would. There were a few things in photoshop I needed Mr Andrews’ help with and other little issues that I needed him for a second option but I did not run into any major problems. In iWeb, I came across a few complainants but I managed to solve them by myself which I’m really proud of. I also think I didn’t come across many problems in both photoshop and iWeb because I had left an entire lesson to just playing around with both programs to get a better idea of how to use them.

For once, I would not want to improve my time management! I finally learnt from all the all nights I have had getting creative media assignments done and managed my time brilliantly. It’s so good in fact, that I have managed to get my assignment done almost a whole week before its due! The only improvement I would make would be my planning. I think I should have planned the website and poster out in greater depth to make things a tad bit easier but I still managed to get it all done on time so I am not complaining.

Overall, I think my poster and website really suit the film. I have had positive feedback from everyone who I have showed but I am very happy that everyone has been easily able to identify the genre of the film. I am really glad Mr Andrews forced us and kept nagging us about our planning and making sure we had it done by a due date because this made me get everything done and helped me to coincidently update my blog. For future improvements, more in depth planning would be more helpful, so that is something I can work on but I want my time management to stay the same as it is right now! I love having the entire assignment done before its due so on Monday night -no late night for me! Anyway, I am really proud of my work and I think all the time and effort has paid

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