Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Music In Film Exercise

How the music makes me feel...
It gives off a very eerie feeling and makes me feel nervous. At first I feel very nervous and slightly worried because I think that something very bad is about to happen. Further on in the piece of music, I feel drawn in because of the sudden change in music. It goes from being creepy and eerie to a steady beating and has an almost adventurous feeling to. It gets louder as if something big is happening or something dramatic. Towards the end it starts to quieten down and goes back to that eerie music.

Flutes, string instruments, horns, piano (I think) and subtle music is heard behind the main music. The flute and string instruments are played slowly and the build up of instruments gets played loudly.

What I think is happening
The camera is slowly traveling through a haunted forest and suddenly breaks through the trees and starts traveling over at section of land. It goes over mountains and over forests. It starts to travel over a large body of water and fish jump out of the water. It then continues to travel over the land before it slows down and slowly travels through either a city or another dark forest. It suddenly goes faster and travels towards another location before it stops at its final location.

Music From: The Shadow

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