Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reflection - Post Filming

I’m not very happy with what’s happened with the post film. For starters, we’re still filming and its becoming very, very annoying because not all of us can come to when we need to film. I understand that we all want to produce an awesome film but we need to think about the deadlines. We are so far behind everyone else and its becoming ridiculous that we have to keep asking for extensions. I am starting to regret not asking the others to do my film. My film had a horror genre where the shy girl was actually the murder. My film was also based in school so we could have just filmed after school but I didn’t say anything to the others because they were ordinary really hooked on Zherlieen’s idea. To be honest, I’m getting really tired of having to re-film every thing but I can understand that it is necessary in order for our film to turn out good.

We have encountered so many problems during both post film and filming that its becoming very frustrating. It’s frustrating because all these problems can be easily avoided if we had planned better and filmed correctly the first time. To be honest, I feel like I’m wasting my time since we need to keep filming over and over again. I really wish we could get our act together and finish the filming so we can start the music and editing.

Editing the film: Elena
Music and Sound: Taryn (me)
Finish touches (planning and organising): Zherlieen

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