Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reflection - Music (so far)

The music for this film has been going pretty good so far. I’ve found several samples of music that I like and I think will really suit the film. So far, I have also created a mixture of sad, sci fi and horror sounding music for the film. Elena and Zherlieen like what I have done so far so that’s very encouraging!

The only problems I have encountered with the music are very small. One of these problems has been that I’ve had to ask people to play bits of music for me. To some people this may not be a problem but I think it’s a problem based on the fact that people aren’t really interested in doing something that nots theirs and don’t really care about it. The other problem I’ve had is that there are some missing loops. This is very annoying because I could use some of those loops but since there missing I can’t and that then means I have to find people to play those parts. A part from that, I have had no other problems.

So far, I have learnt how to use Garage band. With the help of Mr Andrews, self teaching and videos on youtube, I think I’ve become very good at using it. I am really enjoying myself and I think I’m performing very well in Garage band.

Overall, I believe the music is coming along quite nicely and I’m looking forward to the complete soundtrack!

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