Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Filming the Movie - Reflection 1

The Work so far...

In creative media in this term, our main focus is filming a film and then later on in the year, editing that film. The people in my group are Elena and Zhirleen. The film we decided to do was Zhirleen's, Friends and Foes. I think it is quite an interesting story and the storyboard has been well planned out so we all had a very good idea of what Zhirleen wanted. We talked about each scene and how we could film/improve each scene as well as what props we would need to use. Once we were completely happy with what we would be doing, we drew up a production timetable and a prop list. Since all of that was done, we decided that we would film that weekend (on Sunday the 23rd of May) however, Elena forgot to collect the camera and I found out that I couldn't go on Sunday so we didn't end up filming. We will be filming on Thursday afternoon so I will write another reflection after filming.

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