Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reflection - Pre Filming

To be honest, I’m really looking forward to filming! We have planned so much but I think we could still do more. It’s true that we have done a lot but I don’t think we ready to film yet. We have done a shot list and storyboards to go with the film and each of these are in great detail. I have also done some research on black magic and spells that we can use to tie into the film. I think the film we are now doing would be based off of dark magic and what we think some of the consequences would be if a person did use dark magic.

So far, we actually haven’t encountered many problems. The only major problem that we have encountered was organising when and where we are going to film. We need to film somewhere outside but it needs to be in a certain environment (kinda dark with lots of trees). A part from that, we have all worked very well together and expressed our ideas in a way that makes it easy for all of us to understand what we all want. This has been very helpful as its been very easy for us to tie the film together and it has given us a very good idea of how we will film each scene.

Thanks to everything we learnt in term 1, I found it very easy to storyboard and write a shot list with the help of others for our film. I am very proud of what we have done and I’m really looking forward to filming our film!

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