Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Character Profile - Janne

Name: Jane Jones Age: 15
Current Residence: Gold Coast, Australia
Occupation: Student Talents/Skills: Gymnast and shopping

Physical Characteristics:

Height: 164cm Weight: 55kg
Race: Australian Skin Colour: Tan
Eye Colour: Blue Glasses/Contact Lenses: N/A
Hair Colour: Blonde Facial Shape: Heart
Distinguishing Features: Her top button is always undone and her uniform is to short
Style (Elegant, shabby etc): Elegant with her own style
Dress/Clothing: School uniform
Mannerisms: Polite in front of ours but a real bitch when she’s with her friends
Hobbies: Gymnastic and shopping
Favourite Sayings: Whatever
Speech Patterns: (straight to the point, long winded) Straight to the point

Emotional Characteristics

Strengths: She speaks her mind and is not afraid to voice her opinion
Weaknesses: Fears what people think of her – wants everyone to like her
What motivates this character: Popularity
What frightens this character: Being rejected by others
What makes this character happy: Having people follow her guidance
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert

What is this Character’s Goal: To be the best gymnastic in the world

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: She is just passing all her subjects because she really doesn’t care about school
Character's short-term goals in life: To win her next gymnastic competition so she can get into nationals
How does Character see himself/herself: She sees herself as a Goddess and that everyone loves her
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others: They all love her and think she’s the greatest
How self-confident is the character: Very much so
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof: Emotion
What would most embarrass this character: Having someone stand up to her and question her beliefs
Best Characteristics: She’s not afraid to voice her opinion
Worst Characteristics: She is easily controlled by others and she is to self-centered
Does the character have any prejudices: She doesn’t like and people telling her what to do and fears being rejected.

Additional Notes on This Character: Jane is a person who is a gymnastic and has a very self-centered personality. She thinks that every person likes her and she is easily control by her friend Anne because of her personality. Her reality is clouded by what she wants to think is there but not what is actually there and this causes a lot of people to not like her.

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