Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Character Profile - Emily

Name: Emily Park Age: 15
Current Residence: Gold Coast, Australia
Occupation: Student Talents/Skills: Athletic

Physical Characteristics: When she is thinking/plotting something she gets a certain look on her face.

Height: 167cm Weight: 60kg
Race: Australian Skin Colour: White
Eye Colour: Dark green Glasses/Contact Lenses: N/A
Hair Colour: Brown Facial Shape: Oval
Distinguishing Features: Has a small scar on the side of her neck
Style (Elegant, shabby etc): Shabby
Dress/Clothing: School uniform
Mannerisms: Rude and loud
Hobbies: Sports
Favourite Sayings: I don’t really care
Speech Patterns: (straight to the point, long winded) Straight to the point

Emotional Characteristics

Strengths: Athletic and quite fit
Weaknesses: Easily controlled and blinded because of her personality
What motivates this character: Having the chance to get away and do naughty things
What frightens this character: Anne
What makes this character happy: When something bad happens to Anne or when she gets away with doing something
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert

What is this Character’s Goal: To live life to the fullest and not to take crap from anyone

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: Emily may not portray it but she is a very smart human being. She doesn’t study or work hard and yet she is still able to perform well in school and achieve very high grades.
Character's short-term goals in life: To find out what Anne is really hiding.
How does Character see herself: Emily sees herself as an individual not to be messed with. She believes that she doesn’t have a lot of patience and tends to snap at people quite easily because they either annoy her or they piss her off.
How does Character believe she is perceived by others: Emily doesn’t care about what others think of her so she never thought about how other portray her.
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof: As surprising as it is, Emily is ruled by her logic. Some emotion, many anger or frustration, may have some say in what she does but most of the time she is ruled by logic.
What would most embarrass this character: Getting caught doing things she shouldn’t be.
Best Characteristics: That if she has true friends, she will stand by there side and support them no matter what.
Worst Characteristics: She has little patience and snaps very easily.

Additional Notes on This Character: Emily maybe a rude, loud mouth on the surface but underneath she is a very smart, logical human being. She rules herself by logic but some of her emotions do have a say in what she does. She would always stand by her true friends but she has little patience and snaps very easily so it makes it hard for people to get to know her.

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