Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Storyboard Treatment

In a crowded church, a bald man calmly lends against the rail while he carefully surveys a white haired man. The church bells ring loudly and echo throughout the church and the male choir sing passionately. The white haired man pauses as he catches the bald man watching him. The choir starts singing louder and the white haired narrows his eyes on the bald man. The choir starts singing softer and the bald man stands up.
“She…has returned,” the bald man said as he walked pasted the white haired man. The white man’s eyes widened in a mixture of fear and regret while a man off in the distance watches the scene happen from a high balcony with slight interest. The choir gets louder as the white man falls to his knees and tears drip from his eyes. The man watching from the high balcony turns around and walks away.

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