Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Planning for Storyboard

Genre: Horror

Time line
1. Starts with group of girls (3) leaving school one late afternoon
2. One of the girls forget something so she quickly goes gets it
3. Has the scene where the girl goes to get it and then someone is behind her and stabs her
4. Her friends go and find her after she doesn’t return for a while
5. The girls split up and go look for her
6. One of the girls is looking and hears something behind her.
7. She turns around and gets stab by the murder
8. The other girl turns around and thinks she hears something
9. Ignores and keeps walking
10. Have the girl turn around and the person raise the knife to stab her
11. Have the girl sat up in her bed and think it’s a dream
12. The girl goes back to sleep and have the last scene where there is someone in her room with a blood stained knife

Jane – Forgets her maths books. First victim
Emily – Second Victim
Anne – Third Victim. Wakes up in bed

-Bus stop gate
-A bedroom

5-point plan
1. Girls are about to leave school when Jane goes back to gets her books.
2. Jane is killed and the others go to try and find her (they don’t know she is killed).
3. Emily and Anne split up. Emily is killed and Anne heads into unknown danger.
4. Anne opens the door and finds the bodies of her friends. Turns around and screams in horror as she sees someone raise the bloody knife.
5. Anne wakes up in her bed and shows someone with a bloody knife at the bedroom door.

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