Friday, February 19, 2010

The Aviator (Version 2)

The scene from The Aviator was a mixture between several genres. It had action, adventure, drama but the main genre was biopic.

The editing of the movie really gave the audience a feel as if they were there. The camera shots were all around the plane and inside the cockpit as well which gave the audience a complete view of the plane. The sound was that of something you would find in an action and drama film. It made the audience sit on the edge of their seat as they watch the young man fly the plane. The scene from The Aviator was a scene filled with action, drama and at the end, a bit of humor. In the scene, the lighting was always bright since it was based outside and as mentioned before, the camera shots were all around the plane as well as inside which gave the person a feel for what the pilot was doing. The camera shots were all types of shots as well. It had close ups, long range, medium range, shots tinted upwards and a couple of shots that were birds eye. The editing in this movie was a mixture between fast and slow. There were some scenes where the editing was really fast and then there were times were the editing slowed down and was not as fast as it had been before. However, the editing was all in time with the music.

Overall, the scene watched from The Aviator was a well constructed scene.

The Aviator

The scene from The Aviator was a mixture between several genres. It had action, adventure, drama but the main genre was biopic. The editing of the movie really gave the audience a feel as if they were there. The camera shots were all around the plane and inside the cockpit as well which gave the audience a complete view of the plane. The sound was that of something you would find in an action and drama film. It made the audience sit on the edge of their seat as they watch the young man fly the plane. The scene from The Aviator was a scene filled with action, drama and at the end, a bit of humour. From what was viewed, The Aviator looks to be a great movie.

In the scene, the lighting was always bright since it was based outside and as mentioned before, the camera shots were all around the plane as well as inside which gave the person a feel for what the pilot was doing. The camera shots were all types of shots as well. It had close ups, long range, medium range, shots tinted upwards and a couple of shots that were birds eye. The editing in this movie was a mixture between fast and slow. There were some scenes were the editing was really fast and then there were times were the editing slowed down and was not as fast as it had been before.

Overall, the scene watched from The Aviator was a well constructed scene. The editing and the camera shots were fantastic as they gave the audience a feel as to what the pilot was doing and what the plane looked like. The Aviator looks like it would be a great movie filled with action, drama and a bit of humour but in saying this, the scene watched was very well constructed and hopefully the rest of the movie is as well constructed.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Star Wars Episode 4 trailer vs Star Wars Episode 3 trailer

The first trailer for Star Wars Episode IV bored me. The pace of the editing was quite slow and the voice over put me off quite a lot. The editing was slow and the shots did not really create tension or pull me in. It had the one piece of music and when it needed to be gripping it was the same so I found it hard to get into. The second trailer for Star Wars Episode III made me feel like I really wanted to go watch the movie. It had tension, adventure and the editing was done on a beat while the first trailer was just bits of film cut to fit the music (and some scenes did not fit the music to begin with). The music was gripping when it needed to be and subduable when it needed to be. The trailer only used the voices of the actors and had no voice over which made me more interested. The pace was very fast when compared to the first movie and the fast pace of the editing was another thing that made me wanted to see the movie. Overall the second trailer was edited better then the first trailer and made me want to see the movie (second trailer) more then it did the first time.

Friday, February 12, 2010

My Movie Recipe

One normal school
Group of ‘friends’
- bitchy girl
- a cheerleader
- a wannabe
- very shy girl
Fat, old, bald, sour teacher
Four torches
One axe
Plastic bag

Simple Method:
Take a normal high school with a bunch of ‘friends’ and have them dare each other to spend the night over at the school. That night, have them all in the classroom and have the cheerleader need to go to the restroom. Have her washes her hands when someone comes up behind her and kills her with an axe. Have the wannabe go check on the cheerleader and discover her body. Have the wannabe run towards the classroom but the person walks out in front of her and kills her with an axe. Have the bitchy girl go see what’s taking them so long. The shy girl walks out in front and tells her she couldn’t find them. Have the bitchy girl dis the wannabe and cheerleader. When her back is turned have the shy girl say something creepy and bitchy turns around. The shy girl is holding a blood stained axe and kills the bitchy one. Have the shy girl cut the girls up into tiny pieces and put them in the bag. The shy girl destroys the evidence, goes home and feds her family the meat from the girls for dinner.

Advanced Method:
Take a normal high school with all the stereotypes and have a group of ‘friends’ sitting in class waiting for the bell to ring. Have the teacher marking exams with a sour look on his face. The bitchy girl turns around and talks to her ‘friends’. After a while, they talk about what scares them, the cheerleader and wannabe claim that nothing scares them but the shy girl doesn’t say anything. The bitchy girl decides to have some fun and dares that all of them have to spend the night at school. They all agree while the shy girl is pressured into it. When they arrive at the school in the night, have tree branches blowing wildly in the wind and no light at all. The bitchy girl goes (using a torch) in first and says that the others are all scared. The others all go in after her and follow her around until they decided to sleep in their form room. Have the cheerleader need to go to the bedroom and she goes by herself. The cheerleader washes her hand and someone comes up behind and beats her to death with a axe. The others think the cheerleader is taking to long so bitchy tells wannabe to go get her. Wannabe goes to the bathroom and sees the bloody corpse of the cheerleader. She uans back to the form room but on the way someone steps in front of her. The person has a axe and the wannabe screams in fear. The person runs towards the wannabe and slices her in half with the axe. Have the bitchy girl go see what the scream was. Then have the shy girl appear in front of her and scare her. The shy girl tells the bitchy girl that she couldn’t find the other two. Have the bitchy girl turn her back and say that the other two chickened out. The shy girl then says ‘that’s not exactly what happened’. The bitchy girl turns around confused and sees the shy girl standing there with an axe. The shy girl kills the bitchy one and then chops her and the other girls into little pieces. Have her put the pieces in a bag and she cleans the axe, clearing it of any evidence. Have the shy girl go home, tell her family she brought meat for dinner and have the girl cook the meat, and have her and her family eat it.