Friday, March 19, 2010

Elements of a Horror Film

-creepy hospital
-lonely park
-creepy house
-rundown city

-killer/mad man
-dead child
-group of friends
-crazy scientist

-lost cause


-supernatural powers
-mirrors/smashed glass
-farming tools
-lawn mower
-hot wax
-phone call
-weather (someone controlling)
-doctor’s kit

Reflection on Creative Media - Term 1

During this unit of Creative Media, I learnt many new terms used for movies as well as how to analyses films. At the beginning, this unit of work was very changeling for me because I am not a very observant person and tend not to pay much attention in movies because I am so caught up in the action or tension. I spent lots of time on each exercise and started training myself so I would be able to point out camera movements, mise -en scene and all the others. The activities that helped me understand the elements of film was the ‘genres worksheet’. This was because it gave me a very good understanding what each genre was and went into more depth about each genre. Through out the unit, I learnt many new skills. I learnt about Mise-en-scene, Cinematography, Sound and Editing and I learnt how to analyze films. It was all very hard work but once I got the hang of it, I just started doing it without even knowing it (got very annoying when I watched movies and all I could think about was the good use of mise en scene or the poor cinematography). To be honest, I am really glad we did all these activities before we wrote the assignment because it helped me so much! Yes at times it was really boring but by doing all these tasks, I had a better understanding on how to analyze any film and this really helped me when it came to the essay.

I am very happy with the final result of my essay because it took me ages to do and complete but it was a great experience. The only thing I would like to change about my essay would be my time management. I didn’t really plan my time out well so when it was due, I had to spend a lot of time the night before getting it done. If I could do this again I would plan my time better. This is just because it helps me from stressing the night before and that way I can do my best work instead of rushing my work. Overall, I am very happy with my essay and I really enjoyed this unit once I got the hang of analyzing films!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Element identification from selected scenes – Shanghai Noon, Alien

Shanghai Noon
-Visual Funny
-Mixture of comedy and western
-A clumsy cowboy trying to teach a monk to be a cowboy
-Smart, funny and some times cocky script
-Colours are very western style
-Props are guns and horses, which you find with a cowboy
-“Cowboy” themed music

-Airy music (gets the feel of the spaceship)
-Setting looks like a space ship
-Long camera shots as well close ups (sometimes upward)
-Dark lighting
-No music just sound (wind chime, chains, airy sounds, breathing and heartbeat)
-Sci-fi, horror and thriller

Monday, March 8, 2010

6 Common Elements You Would Find In a Fairytale

1. Evil Villain
2. Prince Charming
3. Damsel in Distress
4. Romance
5. Magic
6. Castle/Woods/Ocean