Monday, May 25, 2009

My Project - Lesson 8

This is my project after 8 lessons. It's slowly all coming together but I still have a lot of work to do!

Video Information

Title: My project after 8 lessons

Music: None

Status: Not complete

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Project - Lesson Seven

This is my work after 7 lessons. I still need to do a bit more on Animation-ish and add sound to my project.

Video Information
Title: My Project - Lesson 7
Music: None
Status: Not Complete

My Project - Lesson 6

This is my project after 6 lessons. So far it is quite good but I still have lots of work that is needed to be done.

Video Information
Title: My Project - Lesson 6
Music: None
Status: Not Complete

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Project - Part 5 (Lesson 5)

This is what I have done after 5 lessons. I must say it looks alright but there is still room for improvement!

Video Information:
My Project - Lesson 5
Music: None
Status: Not complete

My Project Part 4 (Lesson 4)

This is part 4 (well...lesson 4) of my project! I still have a long way to go but at least it's coming together.

Video Information:
Title: My Project - Lesson 4
Music: None
Status: Not Complete

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Project - Lesson Three

This is my project after 3 lessons. So far it looks okay but I think I will make a few more improvements to it.

Name: My Project After Lesson 3
Music: None
Status: Not complete

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Project - Lesson Two

This is the updated copy of my project. In this version, I have edited a few things like my creature running, the colouring of the desert and a few more things.

Name: My Project After Lesson Two
Music: None
Length: approx 13 seconds
Status: Not complete

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Project - One Lesson

This is my project that I will working on for the next few lessons. The improvements I will make is that I will make the colouring of the desert a lot neater and hopefully next lesson, I will be able to add sound.